*UPDATE* Trainwreck's interview has now been posted in its entirety. Sorry, fellas.
"The first time you see him, he's just so gnarly and you're like, 'Where did this guy come from?'" -Andrew Reynolds
Always loved that Donger noseslide. Anyone know whatever happened to this dude?
Had an avalanche of Trainwreck requests today after last night's amazing Epicly Later'd episode so I just went with it. Its been kind of a weird week on here anyway.
Have a good weekend.
he's living and working on a crab boat nowadays I heard. He still skates very rarely and I think there was something on Thrasher's website with the shake junt guys at the warehouse and he did like one trick amidst the hype. but other than that. it's like he's some ghost or something. I remember being so stoked on his 411 part. he's like "what do ya want me to say? I break boards. so fucking what?" and then like a montage of him killing it. God damn wish this type of person was in skateboarding again.... instead we get Mike Plumb ...
That back noseblunt is beautiful.
As far as I can remember he blew out his knee and disappeared into obscurity after his board company didn't work out. Dude got fat.
As raw as they come, dude is completely unfiltered. I shot that Next article for Slap, and he landed that f/s tailslide in 2 tries and then told me it was his first tailslide on a handrail. He would just rattle tricks off, shit was crazy.
Props to Jay Thorpe & Chief for motivating him as long as they did. Unfortunately, he tore his meniscus and just never had the surgery to get it fixed.
If you mean beautiful in a homo-erotic sort of way i can see where you're coming from. personally I never liked that backside noseblunt photo... I could never avert my eyes from his sweaty ass crack that's popping out.
not that there's anything wrong with that...
Donger's board slide in Soldier story was sick.
I honestly know next to nothing about this guy. The embedded clip might be the first or second time I've seen him skate. I never really pay attention to handrail jockeys.
The last part of the interview got cut out!
I never really saw this dude as a 'handrail jockey,' but I get the reference. He's just a man's man of a skater. Full Strength. I was bummed when he left Zero, cause I knew it just wouldn't be the same.
Thanks, Chops.
Thanks guys. Excellent comments today.
Danny, agreed. Having been around him for a few hours last summer (don't ask), I am definitely not the biggest Mike Plumb fan.
Thanks Skately. Good work on that Next article. I had no idea.
good lookin' out, t.a. the interview is now up in its entirety. thanks.
Come on! Reynolds SOTY-interview!
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