
#524: lift yr skinny fists like antennas to heaven

Another one where I'm not quite sure what the hold-up was... sorry Mike.

Fully-tweaked and gettin' loose while still maintaining that trademark bust-your-shit-open power... every damn shot I found of this dude was hittin'.

Totally forgot he rode for Toy Machine, too.

Couldn't find either of his Stereo parts online... but his free lunch is amazing.

...and since we're on the subject, stoked on this.


some poser said...

been waiting for this..you think you can do a Karma post?

mikebythesun said...

Mike is gnarly as hell. Kept vert alive for me, that's for sure.

Anonymous said...

Vert master.

TheSkateboardMuseum said...

So rad...i have been watching Mike skate since the late 80's where he dominated the local roller rinks half pipes. Mike is one of the greatest and his contribution to vert skating in the dark times of the 90's is what kept vert cool. Talk about a dude who kept it real.

pupape said...

I've lurked for too long...I was recently looking through that Frazier TWS, dude was hella raw, skated with power. He definitely looks in charge of that front blunt and still rips. Chops, great work on this site.


A definite powerhouse and redefined what it meant to "tweak."

Anyone know if his first Powell part (8 or Celebrity Tropical Fish?) where he skated that red metal Florida ramp was slightly sped up -and if so WHY??? He seemed to already skate faster than most. That part, Chuck Treece soundtrack included, blew my mind.

Great post holmes.


Oh, and how about frame 6 in the Frazier/Brennan ad. Yes, Powell was getting senile on it's way out...

Anonymous said...

How about those boards of his with Superchunk art

Evan said...

gods peed

Anonymous said...

lip trick god.

jamesinger said...

props for the GodSpeed reference!!

chops said...

yeah, i need a proper Karma post up here. most definitely.

quinn, it had to be sped up. not really sure why either.

thanks guys.

Keith said...

damn... that free lunch is amazing!

For some reason, I remember Frazier, at least I think it was him, doing a nose stall to 360 bs nollie pop, maybe with a tail grab, on vert. Seemed kinda gnarly at the time.

Dude was definitely good. You don't get to ride for Stereo and suck lol

Loo Ganida said...

always loved watching Frazier throw it down! there's a 411 Europe vid, he's skating the metal ramp in Amsterdam. to a Gangstarr track. Love his style the way he lands airs, slamming his wheels down if you know what I mean. ripping! raw!

scott said...

Haha. I remember actually editing this guys part out of my dubbed copy of welcome to hell so I didn't have to watch any vert. What can I say, I was young...

Royce said...

He didn't have a part in Welcome to Hell........

Unknown said...

Here's a great classic from Mike Frazier:
