Moon Tan
Moon Burn
Hellen Keller
Skateboarding's first street pro and inventor of the boneless one, GSD.
Always respected the diy-renaissance steez of heads like Garry, Swank and Bend/Jenkins back in the day. They had such a huge impact on me when I first skating, essentially serving to inform me that skateboarding was so much more than just tricks... that this was not just some clean, clear-cut "sport". Sometimes its what you did off your board... A big influence on me to this day.
Wish I had some of his 'zines scanned (which was part of this post's delay)... love those Street Sheets though.
Glad to finally have this one up here.
No GSD Speed Freaks section online? Bummer.
Big up to Brink.
Remember when a car was a staple of any self-respecting, half-decent street course?
Today's my birthday. Figured today's post should show my age accordingly.
Happy birthday, holmes!
Happy B-day! Mine is tomorrow, are you taking requests?
-anonymous 2-
My birthday was May 21. I'm five days older than you. It was a different era, Chops. Around the 23rd / 24th, things changed.
I do remember the days of the Car Obstacle. Although at no point did I ever say, "Finally! A car to skateboard on!"
Happy Birthday Homie! Hope you had a good one.
I had one of those crazy GSD boards with the eye. I thought that shape was amazing! Looking back, I don't think it had any functionality whatsover. But like I said, amazing shape.
And what a thing to have on your resume: creator of the boneless. Who's more relevant, Alan Gelfand or GSD?
Sure Gelfand invented the Ollie, but I think GSD is infinitely cooler.
happy birthday mate! keep up ther great work!
Happy birthday!Thanks for all that work you put into this blog!
Dude happy birthday man. you make my day everyday . i know i am just another anonymous but i just wanta add every time i go to pay my internet bill i think about your site and i really get my moneys worth
i had that gsd board. thinnest at the most likely to break place! still, it was one of the first smaller boards and i remember being able to ollie higher on it.
anyone know what happened to the gemco banks? also, what happened to that clamshell place where in the boneless sequence?
Happy Birhtday mate. Hope you had a good one and keep up with this great blog, so all of us old guns can see the good old days.
My first board, Used GSD Eye.
Happy Birthday, homie. Shit, chromeballin' goes way beyond these past 482 posts. You were chiseling these steez in hieroglyphics!
Happy birthday chops. Hope it's a good one.
Unsung indeed. Always my favorite. I have to get my few coveted issues of Skate fate scanned as well. Thanks for this.
Happy Birthday! Thanks for the fuel every morning.
Skateboarding needs more like GSD and less of about everything else. I hope the skaters of today can check out skaters like GSD and remember it's about individuals and creativity...
Too little of both these days.
happy birthday!!!
Happy birthday E! It was Arcade Jrog's bday yesterday!
Street Sheets are very interesting reads and they really do show their age. When I first started skating, jump ramps were in every school yard and street skating was THE thing to do... it was all we did. I've never dropped into a vert ramp in my life.
I miss the acid drop terminology. Acid drop off a loading dock!
So where is GSD these days?
happie burfday mr. eric
Happy birthday!
Did you ever see the 'zine GSD made a couple to five years ago that was his life story? It's pretty neat. He also made (maybe still makes) a 'zine on experimental music. I cannot think of the name of either right now.
I've been waiting for this one! Always a favourite of mine. The eccentric and elusive nature of his ( lack of ) coverage and writing style were a big part of what attracted me to skating in the first place. I chose a Death Box Sean Goff over his fish board back in the day, I'm British, but made up for it by buying two of his Krooked guest decks and skating one. Seriously, one of the best decks ever, that bomb shape is perfect for boneless ones, naturally. Oh, for those wondering, I think he works at Sole Tech these days. Happy Birthday Chops.
GSD's music 'zine is called Arcane Candy and it roolz.
Thanks everyone.
Happy Birthday Anon2.
Coals, you're old. And no, I never have or ever really felt the need to skate a car either.
Thanks Jaycee. Big up homie. Chrome Ball owe this man some serious gratitude. And you're totally right my man, GSD is infinitely cooler.
Anonymous3, thanks. Means alot.
Giles, I remember reading they were bulldozed around 2000 or so... could be mistaken though.
Beats, I'll see you soon.
Do that, Stevil. Never actually been able to read one.
Totally agree, Neckdeep.
It sucks we have to preface JRog with Arcade these days... there's still only one in my book. Happy birthday Jason if you see this.
And yes, GSD is over at soletech.
Thanks Justin. That story of his life 'zine sounds amazing. And I just saw that Vert Is Dead recently had a birthday of its own. Congrats man. Be sure to check that out on the daily everyone.
Thanks MB. Thanks everyone.
chops is killin' it right now wherever he is.HBD on the GSD post. only proper that blender made it in here with that photo credit.
I was in college when that acid drop Trick deal came out, and I remember dropping off of everything I could find after that on my Madrid Lucero--good times indeed. Happy Birthday--enjoy your vacation!
if you go the arcane candy website, it sounds as though gsd recently got laid off from sole tech
It's not Skate Fate, but here is an interview I did with him in my old zine.
Remember a skater up the street from me had the eyeball board. Never got over the crazy tail on that board. She-Belted Radial!
Still no GSD on You Tube? I've got both Speed Freaks and Risk It on VHS. any idea how to digitize it? All I can think of is to point my video camera at the TV and hit record. If it's watchable, I'll put them up and post a link here.
Check the GSD Raw Speed Freaks footage up on YouTube. So Rad.
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