Several requests for this one.
French ripper with one the cleanest styles going. Always loved dude's trick selection as well... no ledge is safe.
Totally forgot
JB rode for the Deal back in the day... though his choosing to ride for World over 101 is a bit perplexing.
He rode for the Deal? Damn that passed me by. But why oh why did he turn down the mighty 101 team - that would have been sick. Damn good skater.
what wasnt World also sick back in the day???
Kareem, Daewon, Rodney and a bunch of others...
the switch tailslide pic is amazing!
world WAS sick back in the day. besides, riding for world ended up being the better choice when 101 bit the effing dust.
I hook that scan up shortly, Cheaps.
Don't get me wrong fellas... I used to love World back in the day. And I still dug their riders during JB's time there... but by that point ('98), everything else about that company was just lame.
101 was damn near perfect from beginning to end.
chops, I dont agree with you, 101 ended up in a really shy way...Gino went to Chocolate, Dill went to Alien, and 101 just faded away...
@ Chops and Mario:
How can y'all mention 101 without saying the two greatest words in the English language:
this guy fuckin rips. used to stay with my friends and i in this apartment i lived in back in the late 90's. he'd sleep in like a little 4'x6' closet off the living room for a few months outta the year. haha. he was on chocolate for like a day or two right when deca was about to come out and then rodney guilted him into coming back and riding for them. dont know if thats common knowledge or not but either qway... would have been rad to see him on chocolate back then instead. deca was kinda whack
no doubt, Chocolate was way better than Deca, but it all ended good, because Cliché is sick!
btw Stephan, Clyde Singleton is not that great imo.
His New Deal part is amazing! He also had a 411 wheels of fortune where he's talking from behind a cardboard yoda... skates a bunch at wallenberg. That was super good too. Always liked his skating.
Thanks for that interview. I've never seen that before. That 101 story is pretty crazy... getting on the same time as Marcus?! That means he would've been in Trilogy?? Timing seems a bit off though as he wasn't in the World section of Trilogy and didn't appear in a Rocco video until Rodney vs. Daewon. By then, 101 was toast so he would have been absorbed into World anyway, just like Marcus.
That Deca high score ad... look how freaking skinny that board is! LOL. I remember riding a Girl Guy board around 97 and that thing was a toothpick... must have been close to 7"
YEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS. Been waiting for this post. The last clip of the k/f front tail is so good. One of the cleanest styles out for sure. The whole clean kit too, tricks, clothes, push, even down to the haircut. I love this guy.
Shout out to Ballz out!
(E-beef regarding world or 101, I'm with chops, would rather have been known for being on 101 rather than world. World was ill for a minute, but 101 stands high in history).
Soccer feet. The Guillotine is a personal fave...too much control.
if i wasn't such a big jew I would have named one of my kids "Jean-Baptiste". real talk
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