
chrome ball incident #274: the evil that men do

"What do you think of the skateboard industry, Adam?"
"I really enjoy it."

adam mcnatt's '97 "comeback" interview... one of the rawest articles transworld ever had the nerve to publish. 13 pages of my man dressing up like a ninja, blasting bunny hops and holding absolutely nothing back on the skateboard world.

and this part is still pretty nutty.


Royce said...

One of the best things to ever happen in skateboarding.

Keith said...

The way he talks about himself sounds really conceited.

Wonder where he's at these days.

E.RICKS said...

another one of my all time favorites...
gotta love that tws interview..wow..lmao...

K said...

I remember getting this issue in the mail and thinking "holy crap, this guy's blackballed himself for life."And the funny thing is that, no matter what he didnt really care. One of my favorite parts from back in the day ? Adam's part in 101's Snuff. Also a big fan of his part in Evol's "Still Life." He wasn't really one who was into playing the game and playing nice.

Mike said...

I've missed this interview when it came out ( hard to find copy of Transworld mag at that time ) , so great to discover it !

And thank you for linking my " 1992golden years blog " , you are always welcome !

James said...

Really interesting choice here. I think the best part is that he went back and did the helter skelter rail with an actual ollie up after doing it with the aid of a bench in the video. So many people bagged on him for that.

Ran into this dude at Lake Owen skate camp in maybe 1999 or 2000, he still had it and at that point was getting little to no coverage.

Unknown said...

I had the opportunity to work with Adam at a Summer camp in Pennsylvania a couple years ago and we've kicked it a few times since. Dude is still ripping, all for fun, and it looks him and Chris Senn might be opening a tattoo shop in Hawaii, which is basically the best thing ever. Killer interview, and all the more relevant these days.

Anonymous said...

Chops, thank you so much for posting this in its entirety, I thought I would have to figure out which issue and buy it, which I will still do later from lookbacklibrary but was so happy I got to read it with just a google search. Man I appreciate McNatt so fucking much! The realest of the real. Some of it did sound a little kooky in the beginning of it and my fears were creeping in that the haters were right (like we can even tell from one interview) but then he spoke so elequantly about The Gonz and his contribution to skating and I realized right then every thing this man says is true. Sure I’m sure he would have been way better off had he not said some of it but I’m so grateful he did. Jamie Thomas and chad muska are both amazing skaters but both much kookier than McNatt. I love Chad but we all know he lost it for a minute. Jamie has been kooky for 22 years now ever since he has 2 minutes of filler in his dying to live part and put it last when Ryan smith, Lindsey Robertson, Chris cole all had way better parts oh wait and everyone else in that video. And he ripped off jason adams cowboy intro andddd STOLE the trick Lindsey was trying and almost got and Jamie went back secretly got it and had it for HIs last trick, that insane front board on the green rail with huge drop, Lindsey almost made that and didn’t know Jamie bit him until the premier and all Lindsey’s friends knew too. Hey im glad he pulled it together and put out one last good part in Cold War but he’s still a kook. Wake up Jamie. And re edit dying to live, u could have had a dope part without all the filler everyone has seen u do already u should have skated to the lard song in the fall section with just all your fast tricks and had the part been in the middle. Change Mumford’s and Rattrays terrible songs and nix the slam section. Vimeo at least since copyrights are a bitch now. Come on Jamie do it for us! You were my first favorite skater when I was a kid welcome to hell was my first video . Then my second video was best of 5 and McNatt was my new favorite skater. Wow what a tangent

Anonymous said...

Ah fuck I tried to delete my comment just now but since it was anonymous I couldn’t lol. Ok well chops it’s yours now keep or delete. More notes for Jamie if u keep lol. Re edit Lindsey’s part without all the slow mo and include the front board attempts . Ryan smiths part is a masterpiece so good job there. Would love to see more from him though from the tapes and more Adrian and rattray of course and everyone of course. Thank you for the epic trilogy that is welcome to hell, thrill of it all, and misled youth and thank you for gettin it right again with Cold War. More style more creativity and less death defying tricks for your riders please. The last few videos were all boring again. Gabriel is fun to watch of course and Forest Edwards- is that his name? McNatt is a true legend and probably the most underrated skater of all time. His good times promo, both 411 parts (best of was a bit different) both 101’both powell all amazing!! Did he have another earlier tws interview with that spread of him doing that frontside ollie on a bank that photo is sick . I read a later interview I don’t remember where. It was really good and impacted my young mind in a very positive way for sure, I haven’t read it in like 15-25 years but what I remember was his love for Mike Carroll esp the questionable part and that was actually the first time I heard or read someone first hand if reading an interview counts as firsthand of someone that I liked mentioning that part I was still like 16 and it was like 1999. I got it off eBay shortly after that. I already loved Carroll but wow and the other thing I remember from the McNatt interview the 1999ish one was him talking learning sw backside tailslide sw kf out and it was so hard and took so long that he didn’t even enjoy it much so he stopped trying to do stuff just for tech sake and just skate for fun again (while still doing insane tech stuff that still no one else was barely doing besides like Koston) . Love u McNatt that best of 5 part is still in my top ten favorite parts ever and Jamie Thomas is no where near the list but funny enough almost everyone else in welcome to hell, and thrill of it all are. Satva , Donny and Maldonado in hell?!?! Shit BA etc and Wade burkitt in thrill is top 5 for sure and Scotty copelman in thrill man what a shame that part was so short it’s the best video part that’s that short ever forever for sure.

Anonymous said...

For sure delete my last two comments please lol. I mean unless you think they should stay but I feel kinda dumb for sure. C’ est la vie. Long live Mcnatttttty!! Light. Lol natty light was first beer I got faded on. I didn’t mean to type McNatty that y was a typo but I’ll leave it

Anonymous said...

I was a young innocent italian skateboarder when I bought this issue of TWS back in 1997. I still have it. being not mothertingue I did not realize this could be such a provocative interview but reading it now I can't help but wonder of he was triggered into it because what interview begins with that question about the industry instead of something about him? anyway this is a great great interview and he was quite a character.

Anonymous said...

That’s not true , Jamie’s parts in hell and Thrill are on the favs list and misled youth. Thrill is top prolly like in the #39 range. Hell is like #45 and misled might squeeze into the top 100 I dunno it would be around 99 but it’s probably more likely around 120 or 150 but yeah the other two parts still sizzle fo sho

Anonymous said...

McNatts best of 5 part is like #9ish maybe 19 but def top 20 fav and best all time