enigmatic ripper who was seemingly destined for legendary status after this part (30:02)... but he blew some bubbles and his career quickly took a turn for the worse after one of the rumored craziest moves in skateboarding history.
Didn't expect this one. Never saw the A-1 video back in the day. Saw him for the first time in Questionable. After I saw that, I was flipping through some older mags and he had a Planet Earth ad pre-Plan B, pretty sure during Lotti's PE stint, and Fabry had a sequence of kf bs tail on a bench iirc.
what was so bad about that questionable part? i really thought it was pretty decent, maybe little sloppy. and while the homophobic undertones as far as the music is problematic, but it shouldn't take away from the skating.
good lookin' out Royce. I actually looked at that hardflip interview while making this post and meant to change that part... whoops.
jackal, not really hating on it... my problem with fabry's plan b (other than choosing one of the worst songs in the Bad Brains' catalog) is that my crew and I were really expecting him to make a Pat Duffy-esque impact. Its actually a pretty decent part but his A1 Meats part was so incredible and figured questionable would be his time to shine. Some real good stuff in there but there's also some kinda rough joints in there as well... like some of those curb dancing tricks. I really just think a re-edit could've done him justice.
Being born and raised in Minneapolis I'm proud to say I had the pleasure of watching this dude rip since I was a kid. I remember he started getting flow from H-Street then told everyone he was off to Cali to try and do it big time. At the time all we ever had was vert guys who got any recongnition so for a street skater to make something of himself from MN was unheard of. I remember 6 months later he came back for X-mass and walked into the park w a stack of Danny Way shotgun everslicks. He did the unheard of and landed on the best team at the time. Only took him a little less than a year to blow the whole thing. I will say dude had more skills in his pinky toe than most pro's do their whole bodies. He could skate everything and made it look easy.
the homophobic thing goes like this...i heard that this song was really hated on because "don't blow bubbles" is followed at one point by the line "that's the way we can stop the AIDS".
that explains that. i doubt it had anything to do with Fabry, but its a matter in and of itself.
damn, thanks jackal. i never realized that was HR's point in that song... makes me dislike it even more, haha.
sprntrl, noseslides on real handrails, tre flips down huge gaps, kickflip nosegrinds on proper ledges, not to mention a mctwist to boot... in what was that mid-91? dude was unbelievable.
I was never really a fan of Bad Brains, especially that particular period when H.R. pretty much went off the deep end. There was always a lotta controversy about that group because they'd done so much for hardcore and inspired so many bands, yet here was HR - off his mind on drugs - spouting hate speech.
That being said: 1) Don't holla at another man's wife 2) Don't mess with cops.
NOTE the word verification for this entry was "hatemal." hmmmmmmm
Why'd they pull his A-1 part from youtube? I wonder if someone really thinks they'll be able to make money off this, almost 20 years later. Do you thing Larry Balma is twisting his mustache somewhere, contemplating his master plan for A-1 Meat's global takeover?
Fuuuck I remember the Fabry/Sheffey ordeal, huge thing at the time, now it probably happens all the time. Used to see Fabry here in Vegas alot. He fucking made mincemeat out of a buddies mini ramp for almost 3 hours. Neck high ollies, blunt to kickflip to fakie on an rickety 8ft tombstone and b-side disasters so hard that the ramp would buckle. Too bad for the fall off the earth.
I was just wondering about the Sheffey/Fabry ordeal today, and Google took me here. Interesting to stumble across a 10-year-old thread about a nearly 30-year-old incident.
Didn't expect this one. Never saw the A-1 video back in the day. Saw him for the first time in Questionable. After I saw that, I was flipping through some older mags and he had a Planet Earth ad pre-Plan B, pretty sure during Lotti's PE stint, and Fabry had a sequence of kf bs tail on a bench iirc.
@ anonymous: thanks for the insight.
great post. never knew fabry was on toy machine.
what was so bad about that questionable part? i really thought it was pretty decent, maybe little sloppy. and while the homophobic undertones as far as the music is problematic, but it shouldn't take away from the skating.
so yeah, what's up with that?
He is actually from MN.
good lookin' out Royce. I actually looked at that hardflip interview while making this post and meant to change that part... whoops.
jackal, not really hating on it... my problem with fabry's plan b (other than choosing one of the worst songs in the Bad Brains' catalog) is that my crew and I were really expecting him to make a Pat Duffy-esque impact. Its actually a pretty decent part but his A1 Meats part was so incredible and figured questionable would be his time to shine. Some real good stuff in there but there's also some kinda rough joints in there as well... like some of those curb dancing tricks. I really just think a re-edit could've done him justice.
Fabry interview from 2004.
I dont understand the problem with the bad brains song?
its not thattttt bad
homophobic undertones ?
i'm a huge bad brains fan... but never really dug that one.
not really sure about the "homophobic undertones", just wasn't one my favorites from them and always kinda seemed like an odd song choice.
Being born and raised in Minneapolis I'm proud to say I had the pleasure of watching this dude rip since I was a kid. I remember he started getting flow from H-Street then told everyone he was off to Cali to try and do it big time. At the time all we ever had was vert guys who got any recongnition so for a street skater to make something of himself from MN was unheard of. I remember 6 months later he came back for X-mass and walked into the park w a stack of Danny Way shotgun everslicks. He did the unheard of and landed on the best team at the time. Only took him a little less than a year to blow the whole thing. I will say dude had more skills in his pinky toe than most pro's do their whole bodies. He could skate everything and made it look easy.
the homophobic thing goes like this...i heard that this song was really hated on because "don't blow bubbles" is followed at one point by the line "that's the way we can stop the AIDS".
that explains that. i doubt it had anything to do with Fabry, but its a matter in and of itself.
damn, thanks jackal. i never realized that was HR's point in that song... makes me dislike it even more, haha.
sprntrl, noseslides on real handrails, tre flips down huge gaps, kickflip nosegrinds on proper ledges, not to mention a mctwist to boot... in what was that mid-91? dude was unbelievable.
I was never really a fan of Bad Brains, especially that particular period when H.R. pretty much went off the deep end. There was always a lotta controversy about that group because they'd done so much for hardcore and inspired so many bands, yet here was HR - off his mind on drugs - spouting hate speech.
That being said:
1) Don't holla at another man's wife
2) Don't mess with cops.
NOTE the word verification for this entry was "hatemal." hmmmmmmm
Why'd they pull his A-1 part from youtube? I wonder if someone really thinks they'll be able to make money off this, almost 20 years later. Do you thing Larry Balma is twisting his mustache somewhere, contemplating his master plan for A-1 Meat's global takeover?
Fuuuck I remember the Fabry/Sheffey ordeal, huge thing at the time, now it probably happens all the time. Used to see Fabry here in Vegas alot. He fucking made mincemeat out of a buddies mini ramp for almost 3 hours. Neck high ollies, blunt to kickflip to fakie on an rickety 8ft tombstone and b-side disasters so hard that the ramp would buckle. Too bad for the fall off the earth.
i still sk8 with the guy once and a while...i know he's KILLING up wagonwheel pool..still a good homie and still one of my vegas favs
I was just wondering about the Sheffey/Fabry ordeal today, and Google took me here. Interesting to stumble across a 10-year-old thread about a nearly 30-year-old incident.
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