
chrome ball incident #202: mo' better

"now this dude is skateboarding's young jeezy... he was hustlin' before people even knew what a 'hustle' was." -clyzza


Carryout said...

That "MADE IN BROOKLYN" World ad is classic. Peep him chillin in that violet NorthFace, before it became a lifestyle brand.

WORLD was the best at one point, but all things, good things come to an... ha

Benson said...

woooooo hot post! always loved the footy of him beating down ponytail graffiti boy in the FIT credo promo.

Anonymous said...

Front flip to almost car face plant is another piece of classic m.key in Trilogy. Got love his style, hustler style. Sam Devlin!!!! please!!!

Anonymous said...

We need an Ol' Dirty Kelch day - classic dirt.

** said...

"yo wanna buy some trucks and[/or] wheels?"