
chrome ball incident #139: the gold standard

"Cardiel stumbled out of the room, dripping blood, while the big guy stood with his winning grin to four girls. So I haul a hard right fist into his face, just hooked it perfect. Smash, smash, smash. I probably hit him three or four times... it was a full-on sucker punch for a sucker. (Then) I weaseled out of the room to the outside where I found a hammer and waited." -Julien Stranger

(felt a little generous today)


Royce said...


smorales said...

I have a great deal of affection for this man's skateboarding and company and persona.

smorales said...

oh yeah and tobin takes great photos of this dude, possibly because he knows what Julien is like/wants to put out because they have been friends for so long.

Anonymous said...

Now that's what I call a premium post. That's gold, Jerry! Gold!

Giles said...

Best. Post.

Anonymous said...

Phew. I had two new Julien scans for either this week or next week and I can still use them.

For somebody as underground as Stranger is, there have been a lot of photo of him over the years.

Keith said...

damn... that 2nd pic is from the depths of the vault.

hairfarmer said...

That bluntslide pop-out is unreal. I wish they had shown it without the slo-mo in Ride On. Sick post, Julien is the best.

Anonymous said...

where's the quote from?