thanks for everyone's input on chrome ball #100. shit was lookin one way and then the swamp rat pulled the rope-a-dope and came on strong at the end... so in order to show my apprecation for all of the feedback, i'm callin that shit a draw.
99=100. 2 epic posts
I love how sal says that if chris cole got some baggier pants he might be one of his favorite dudes. Would be funny if sal discovered chris back in his baggy pants wigger days and brought him along in his original style. then maybe i would not see all these little tight pants kids drooling over fallens and instead would be rocking baggy jeans and sal 23's.
I dunno, my favorite period (fashion wise) was probably '94-96. As seen in videos such as "Goldfish", "High Five" and "A visual sound." Sal 23s, pair of khakis or kinda baggy jeans, white tee shirt. Boom, you good.
Think Kalis or someone like that.
Say, why the hell didnt Sal Barbier have a part in Virtual Reality or Second Hand Smoke. What was the excuse? Dude had the dopest shoes in the business, and yet was never in the videos!
Virtual Reality was his retirement video part.
Love the video reviews LOL
wtf is he doing over the hydrant? His body looks so odd.
I agree with k about the clothes in the Goldfish era.
mid 90's "baggy" jeans and white shirts for sure. i thought the shoes defined the era. otherwise i would have said bright red high tops and clothes from the big and tall store.
Legend. I remember everyone was wearing the Sal23 shoes in Bangkok back in '97. classic!
I always wanted the white/baby blue sals. one of the best for sure.
I'd say the trick over the hydrant is one if dem early-90s halfcabs, where you're good as long as the middle of the board makes it over the obstacle.
Good Sal pics.
Has a Julien Stranger one been done yet? Need to see some of him.
Chops did a Stranger post back in June. It's #46...
The hydrant was a fakie ollie. Tweaked to the side a little, as was customary during the early '90s. Still, his back truck clears it.
ahh. The fakie shifty ollie. Regardless, IMO it's a terrible looking pic.
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