Illuminati was obviously pretty amazing, but when it comes to really capturing the minds of young skaters out there, a homework assignment was probably not the best look.
Maybe someone should write an essay telling me whatever happened to Greg Harris. Dude ripped.
Whatevs. chrome ball incident #100 is coming up and I'm taking requests. let me know.
yes...mr penny!
Don't forget one of my favorite video parts from one of the greatest videos of all time. See Serge at 16:16 if, for some reason, the entirety of this does nothing for you.
Ronnie Creager or Ed Templeton or maybe even Mike Carrol? or possibly Jason Lee? so many great skaters to choose from.
great blog! 100: natas, ricky oyola, karl watson, coco santiago(!), scott bourne...
keep it happening
ron knigge
One of my all time favorites. Illuminati couldve been so much more, just such a pure time in skating. I watched ee3 everyday for sure.
Oh bobjohn, I posted the sheep video on google. Serge's part in that is so good.
thanks for posting that sheep video fellas, couldn't find it on youtube so i went the o.g. sub zero route... didn't even check google. life of leisure is horribly slept-on.
and thanks for the input from everyone, keep it coming... i can always use ideas for posts.
ed templeton, scott johnston, brian anderson
i like the ron knigge comment being from northern new jersey but what about doin a shawn mandoli for the 100-come and get yr love.
I was so stoked on Illuminati and Silverstar back in the day.
My 100 vote goes to Joey Bast. Or seconding the Sal Barbier.
markovich please!
Tom Penny would be good. Matt Reason too.
The ol' dirty Clyzza - 101-zoo-aesthetics.
word do clyde
aesthetics as a company would be sick as is.
danny way
Love the Illuminati and Silverstar ads.
Mr Red Dragon...Colin McKay. Who has a striking resemblance to Anthony Soprano Jnr.
sal barbier
Satva Leung...... Maybe not 100 but at least something....
i'd love to see some timecode era kalis photo. Geoff Rowley too...
Aaah thanks, Bobjohn, I was afraid nobody mentioned sergei's part in the Sheep video... "They're wolves in sheep clothing.." Viva The Pioneers!
...As for suggestions:
Ronnie Bertino
Eric "most colors coordinated" Ricks ?
Ryan Hickey
Quy NGuyen
Ron Knigge
Curtis Mc Cann
Maurice Key
.. and if you ever end up picking Penny, let me know, I got a bunch of stuff out of Sugar mag (France), we did a 3-people mini-tour with him to Barcelona in 1997.
wow! wasn't expecting this much of a response. holy shit!
thanks for all the suggestions... there's definitely some ones in there that i've been actually working on and wanting to do... and there's also a few in there that i thought about doing at some point but was kinda thinking you guys would say i was nuts (knigge, satva), so that's definitely awesome as well.
There is one name that keeps on popping up here and through the emails so i'm gonna roll with that one. but i'm definitely going to be hooking up most, if not all, of those named here... so if yours isn't #100, that doesn't mean it won't be #102 or #114. All the suggestions are solid and besides, what the fuck else do i have to do?
But yeah, thanks for all the support fellas. Means a lot.
+1 for Sal Barbier
I've thought about it a lot and I think a Penny post would be proper for post # 100.
For post # 101, you gotta do a team profile of, well, 101.
Tim Gavin
YEAH YEAH Post #101 has to be a full team profile of 101 - gino, dill, clyzza, gabe, satan etc etc blah blah
Oh! forgot to say please.
A last one for the road? Not necessarily #100 worthy, but wortha post : Weston Correa.
aj mazzu
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