a little vintage stereo sounds with mr. carl shipman.
one of my favorite things in skateboarding is when some dude comes out of nowhere and starts killing shit while everyone else just stands around looking dumb.
...shippy did just that.
and this is kind of old now by internet standards but thanks mike.
such a good style. fs halfcab flip in "a visual sound" maybe one of my favourite tricks in a vid ever.
He had the cover of RAD magazine in the uk in 94 sometime and he was rocking Rockport boots.
that f/s 180 flick is cool... i forgot about that one. so stylee
Carl Shipman fucking hell- what a beast!!!!! Remember like yesterday, when he appeared and exploded on the World Cup 1993 in Münster. Massive pop and catch. It was the Contest where Jason Lee and Dune just started Stereo and he got on I think after the Practice Day. Still amazing. Good choice Chops. Really appreaciate
I was at the Newburgh skate park in New York when that Frontside Poker photo was taken. It was during a pro contest. Lots of pros were there (I remember Keenan Milton and Jason Dill) but Carl Shipman shocked everyone. I dont think kids had seen anyone do frontside 180 kickflips like his at the time. They were perfect and he popped them almost waist high! Unheard of at the time. Great post. Those old Stereo ads were the best.
great post! Just read the chops interview at that sports site. I'll always remember my first ollie, first tre flip... and the first time I came across Chrome Ball. keep it up!
I've never seen that Newcastle f/s ollie before -- a 'new' all-time favorite. Also, I feel like Carl was really a darkhorse figure regarding making DCSHOECOUSAs look the best.
still on the hunt for his vespa graphic. great style, the full meal deal. great post.
One of the best of the early 90's... think he is a builder these days.
That fs ollie isn't Newcastle. It's on the Humber bridge between Lincolnshire and East Yorkshire. Just thought I'd clear that up.
espn interview! right on E.
Those English guys slayed it in 411vm#2 at that UK contest. What a coming out section. Shipman and Penny annihilation. Then the Rowley 360 flip cover!
Always stoked on Carl's Visual Sound part... actually, stoked on the whole video.
kf over the barrier at emb... great shot!
For some reason, I always equate that "property of Stereo athletic dept" board with Shipman.
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