has anybody ever won a contest or challenge that was named after themselves? just sayin'.
I remember my friends and I always used to shout this guy's name back in the day if we felt we needed a little extra pop for something... as if doing so might somehow effectively conjure up the forbinator's supernatural leaping power within each of us, if only temporarily. weird shit we used to do.
glad I got that 180-grind-180 sequence in there. classic steez.
reese always makes everything look so tiny.
alright party people, the chrome ball incident will return on tuesday with post #600.
any guesses?
#600....Scott Bourne?
scott bourne!
How about the LONG overdue Salba post?
his ollie over that cement trash barrel in ee3 still boggles the mind.
I was there for that b/s flip over the table at 7th st...
Super cool guy, with super power ollies...lol..
One of the nicest pros out there. EE3 part is legendary.
as long as you're covering earliesh element guys without the underworld, Billy Pepper!
Bill Pepper was on Element with the Underworld, he had the first part in Skypager.
whoops, meant Fine Artists, getting old.
Papa Reese!
hopefully we havent seen his last video part yet, dude has still got the pop for sure. stylish stuntwooder legend here
Ha, I stand corrected. And I've seen Fine Artists so I should know better. I'm probably older than you!
"No respect was given for a long time because he never kissed anyone's ass." How many can that be said about?! Dude looks like a badass with his bald-head.
I wonder who at TransWorld requested actual spoons and bowls of pudding to be in those articles - too funny.
chet thomas #600!!!
more importantly, who will be #666.
I always thought Reese Forbes oozed a sport/jock style into skateboarding. Dude went big and was pretty gnarly.
Saw him at a ND/MC/Element demo. Serious pop.
Reese was one of the illest guys on a street deck ever. Not only that, but he is one of the nicest people you'll ever meet.
He came out of nowhere one day at Pulaski rockin' some sweat pants and New Balances or something crazy like that with some busted up board. And with that gear he blew everyones minds. I've personally only witnessed a few with pop like his- those being Sean Sheffey, Natas Kaupas, Dave Gustafson, Brian Tucci, Joe Pino, and Sean Mullendore.
Chris Hall, with his wisdom and generosity, hooked Reese up with some decks and the rest is sk8 history.
The only vids I remember seeing him in were Eastern Exposure, and a promo vid for Good Times skates.
What is sick sk8er.
Is it just me or does there seem to be a Reese post missing now? I always used to come to the site and look at frontside noseslide flick thats no longer here.
Am I losing my mind?
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