one of those dudes that can do no wrong in my book. word to railchomper215.
and its probably just me but I can't help but think one reason why enjoi's ads have always been amazing is because so many of their riders had to put up with Maple's shitty ones for so long.
just sayin'.
yo jerry, who ya boys
*beep beep beep*
awww yeyeah
cuz we fabo les
its true, smoking is cool.
and Jerry rips, sick skater
I like that Louie gave Maple a shout out on the cover of Bag of Suck
I have trouble determining what era of Jerry I like more, Maple/Osiris or Enjoi/Emerica?
lol at Maple. They were like a stepping stone company. Quite a lot of good skaters went through them.
It's not easy making a super squat look decent. Jerry pulls it off.
Stoked on Hsu. His Epicly Laterd was solid.
anon1, good call on the louie maple shout-out. love that dude.
Definately agree with Tiltmode Fan!!
All the era's are classic jerry shreddage!!
Big up Asain Elvis!!
Tiltmode era Jerry with baggy dickies and studded belts
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