
chrome ball incident #545: scooch

"I'm just trying to do the tricks I like as good as I possibly can."

stoked on this... but regardless, its always a good time for a little SJ.

...the right hand is textbook.

and how sick is that next-to-last ollie flick? Ben Colen with the snap.

be sure to check out my man Keith's interview with the quality upstart Music Skateboards over at Fairways & Flips. good read.


Unknown said...

Always dug his style and his 411 part. Shook his hand in Soho NYC, nice guy.

Anonymous said...

He is like an early Busenitz. Always looks super fresh too. I tried to buy a pair of cargo pants the other day but I couldn't do it. Maybe next year. After the latest crail tap catalog it feels like girl is going for the kid market hard out but chocolate is still cool.


Tony Hawk said...

The ollie is sick. I never really got into the Girl/Choco teams. I had a girl board that bowed in the middle and I was done after that... the nose and tail were lower than the middle. Weird wood.

Templeton said...

In my short career as a filmer SJ was always one of my favorites to film with. Always mellow and super appreciative of the filmers and photographers.

rthdghuyfy said...

The first ad pretty much sum's it up: uncommonly smooth.
Scott Johnston and Austyn Gillette, skateboarding was/is allright. Thank's for the reminder!

Keith said...

SJ. One of my favourites ever since he was on Think.

Those early 411's and his MC years were the best!

Last Lakai sequence is bananas.

Gabe said...

So underrated. Love everything from this guy. Those clips he had from the outtakes for Fully Flared were ridiculous... Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Perfect example of quality over quantity.

dedleg said...

Such good style - much can be learned from watching him skate. And that ollie photo by Colen is one of my favorite SJ clips I can think of.

chops said...

thanks guys.

tony, i was gonna pull your card until you revealed your identity. what's up paul?

good to hear, templeton. it always sucks to find our your faves are pricks. thanks for the comment man.

great point, olof. i think that's the way its always been though... and not just in skateboarding but in everyting. there always seems to be around 10% of those out there that really push it and keep you interested while the rest just either follow or totally blow it.

Anonymous said...

I love the quote you put up from SJ, that always stood out to me, I was young when I bought the mad circle video. He absolutely does the tricks he likes great. That front 180 crooks is one of my favorite tricks of all time. In an interview a while back he was talking about filming a little street part for fun, I hope he does that, I'd love to see some new SJ footage.

Croupier said...

Last Lakai ad = find the shoe!

SneakerTheKid. said...

" Scott johnston is the rippingest skater in town"