
chrome ball incident #461: cesspools in eden

"People go through shit. Everyone goes through shit in their life...
But as I'm getting older, I just really don't fucking care about being self-conscious anymore."


Thanks for all the support out there.


mikebythesun said...

Much respect to AVE.

Royce said...


Five-o Cheapster said...

I second my learned colleague Mr. Royce - Bang absolutely.

Anonymous said...

AVE is..... actually I'll stop right there, there are no words to describe how powerful he skates. Best part in mindfield. It's so good in fact, that sometimes I have to skip it on the sole reason that it's just too pumping, it'll get me wanting to thrash and I'm too old and brittle for that.
Respect. Years and years of incredible skating.

DLTDA said...

absolutely love the switch flip over the table. His switch b/s nose grind at the library ledges that was in 411 was one of my all-time favorite clips ever.

Anonymous said...

"The Aryan cholo"--possibly the best nickname ever.

Anonymous said...

Not trying to hate, but does anyone think that one line in mind field sucks, where he hits the rail then slowly pushes for ages and hits the two benches. I am down for ave for real, but it feels like this line is from when he is morphing from slightly fresh (dc) heavy metal man to highly sexual greaser and doesn't really fit in his part, kind of punctuates it where it isn't needed. Also it looks like he is wearing krew jeans. I love AVE like he deserve to be loved, just wondering if anyone else felt this. Also, fist time poster, long time reader and you are rad chops, you make my solo work hours bearable.

Tully Moorcroft.

Keith said...

"The Aryan cholo" LOL

The first time I saw him was probably a 23 ad... bald head trick on a picnic table. Then there were the few tricks in Listen. Dude has some serious pop and he skates super powerful.

I guess that one ad (2002) reflects when Seek was around... no Dyrdek or Kalis on the team... no Mikey Taylor either.

Anonymous said...

Re: Tully Moorcroft

It was a pretty rad line I thought, the song was kinda at it's mellowist point and fakie ollie nosegrind down the rail was wild, his 2 bench tricks were flawless. I'm always down to watch some pushing, for me it's what makes skateboard videos good. Kinda separates good skating from bad skating there's a lot in a push and he's got a good one. lol at "highly sexual greaser"
post more often dude!

dedleg said...

I concur - I wish there was more pushing in videos. It's nice to see skaters this good just riding. Gets me psyched to skate.

Anonymous said...

yeah the krew jeans were kind of weird. and i think he was wearing a fitted hat (maybe?) in the same line. i thought his footage with the tech dc's was a better look, but the greaser is cool. it was working for him on the pole jam to street. cool to see that ad, then the video a year or so later, i enjoy stuff like that

ciaran said...

Always liked how out of place he seemed on DC, yet stayed there and kept it balanced. Rad skater who's never failed to impress.

bryce said...

Coming from the place of being a huge AVE fan, that one Mindfield line has always bothered the shit out of me too. The main issue is just the editing; a fakie nosegrind is a great trick for that rail, but then the build up of the music leads you to believe he's about to knock it sideways before he completes the line with two respectably mediocre ledge tricks.

The original Joy Division edit on Greg Hunt's website fits the line in better, but begins with an even worse editing decision. That line at the Austin ditch is probably the weakest thing in his part, and they apparently were gonna lead off with it?? Even more fucked up when the Venice Pavilion line in Photosynthesis was probably the most blazing opening line ever.

Anonymous said...

I actually love that line in the Austin ditch, rad spot and shirtless high throttle pushing. But dude, the photosynthesis line, wow, you are right. Well said.

chops said...

Thanks guys.

Tully, "the Highly Sexual Greaser" is amazing. I'm half tempted to change the title of the post to this.

I do love pushing in video parts (Henry's Pack of Lies part comes to mind) but I also agree the placement of that Austin line in his part is a little odd.

Does anybody else notice how liberal Hunt gets with the speeding up of clips in Mindfield?

Anonymous said...

CHANGE THE TITLE! "HIGHLY SEXUAL GREASER!" it's too good chops. you must.

dedleg said...

The speeding up of footage drives me fucking nuts - it bothered me in Mindfield, but probably not as much as it would have if the editing in Alien videos was less eccentric in the first place. Seems like speeding up footage is getting more popular too, which is annoying. Looks so bad.

Anonymous said...

I feel that way about that video I.e. with the reversals and stops mid trick, it is way to sketchy on the eyes and brain. Same with teasers for videos where they back to back to back a bunch of landings, that's seizure material right there.