
chrome ball incident #287: god bows to math

word is the god was in town a few weeks back filming for the upcoming zoo vid...

definitely some parts in there that i'm looking forward to (kt's included) but I can't say i've really been feeling that company for a minute (at least on the skating tip, the art direction is another story). almost on some celebrity tropical fish-shit where I really like a lot of the skaters, just not the company so much.

'96 never felt so far away.

what do you guys think?


cheaps said...

KT rocks - but I have to agree about the Zoo York path - def strayed away from the OG path. Aesthetics team was super good and decks weren't made in China!!! God damn dodgy wood!!!

tp said...

Have not been much of a fan of Zoo for a long while. Instead of drawing me back, they push me farther away every years. From shoes to celebrities wearing their products on TV, it is just not the east coast company I remember. If it were not for KT and Barley, I would probably not care at all

smorales said...

The way they have run their team in the last few years gives me the feeling that KT, Barley and Suski will be vanished within eight months of this video dropping in favor of an uncalled for Chaz Ortiz pay boost.

KT kills those blue Puerto Rican park ledges. Always one of my favorite spots to see on the east coast, gonz feeble the rail among other memorables.

ATM said...

I'm really hyped on most of the team, but I walk out the door and I'll see an asshole in a raised truck with a tapout sticker on the back in a zoo york shirt. Not feeling it.

Royce said...

Much like the whole - Independent - mall distro, it really has nothing to do with the riders and their skating.

The Ecko Zoo is nothing like the OG Zoo. That goes without saying. But, the Ecko Zoo has a lineup that can't be over looked, even by the largest chip shoulder holder hater.

There isn't one fluffer in the whole lineup.

The video will set some concrete that has been damp for quite sometime.

Keith said...

KT's got an ill style! Dude is well into his 30's. Can't wait to see what he pulls off in the new video.

According to my research, Zoo is one of the few companies that is still getting boards pressed in the USA by Chapman (as recent as mid 2008).

I haven't rode a Zoo board in ages. Probably won't start either. The company is a shadow of its former self. Aside from Ortiz being a contest robot, their team is decent.

platinumseagulls said...

If it counts for anything, they've got one of the best TMs in skateboarding.

Anonymous said...

KT is a killah. Probably 1 of the top 3 as far as a good looking flick goes. also has a grimy backside smith grind. proper form. I'm looking forward to barley and ron deiley in that zoo video