
chrome ball incident #219: speedway

figured now was as good of a time as any for this guy. not the all-white part like i hoped, but dude still killed it.

and I don't why I'm so amused by the fact that heath kirchart used to be a paperboy... but i am.

on the bummer tip, looks like the chrome ball scanner is starting to fade. taking it day-by-day but if it poops out completely, i might be taking a little impromptu vacation until i can get a new one. keep those fingers crossed. we'll take it as it comes.

thanks for stopping by.


Keith said...

nice call. Epic part in Mind Field. He definitely deserved it. I've always liked Heath. Barbarians at the Gate! drug deals, underage girls, shredding across America.

Wasn't he the first to kickflip fs board a rail?

I always found it odd how Heath and Berra went from board company to board company more or less together.

Birdhouse to Foundation to Birdhouse to Alien

Good luck with the scanner. My scanner only gets used to scan recipes out of cookbooks from the library LOL

Anonymous said...

that back-50 is kung-fucious. bless dis kid, aiiiiight?

K said...

Ok Ok Ok. A few questions

1. Why do Heath and Steve Berra always quit and join teams at the same time. They were both on Birdhouse, then went to Foundation, then back to Birdhouse, now Workshop.

2. What was the name of the song he skated to in Rolling Thunder?

Anonymous said...

Such an interesting/weird guy... they always make the best skaters.

Anonymous said...

The song from Heath's part in Rolling Thunder was by the band No Refund. It was the band of Mike Ballard, who was the Foundation team manager at the time. I don't think a it was ever released.