had a real shit weekend so I figured I'd have some fun tonight.
for the heads out there, the timeless flicks of photog Ari Marcopoulos will always define 90's skateboarding in nyc.
i'm dead-certain that this kid's lens could make just about anybody look cool.
just one aspect of this insanely-talented dude's career... anybody hit this up?
special thanks to peel for tolerating my goofy ass.
that was good ads
perfect, the one time I'm not in the bay area... Ari Marcopolous is awesome. I saw that photo of Stranger reading a Bukowski book in one of Ari's books. I think Ari lives in the same county as me back home?
by far my favorite dlx company. used to call one a week to seee if there was any new metropolitan shit.
Fine reminders of great times.
woah! big post !
So 90's but also so timeless.
You can say that Ari captured the true beauty of each moment.
Beautiful! This is probably the first stuff that got me interested in what nyc was doing in skating.
Super awesome post! So many great photos... Ari's aesthetic really went on to inform a lot of the New York scene's look in the mid 90s.
Ari Marcopoulos. Sick name! That crock pot was amazing. Jovontae, Pang, Stranger, Hunter.
Was definitely psyched on the whole vibe of Metropolitan. Capital too.
Who are the 6 guys in the Supreme ad? I think I recognize Hickey and Bici.
Yo Keith,
I think the dude holding the Heineken is Mike Hernandez, could be wrong about that though.
Next dude is most likely Jones Keefe, brother of Chris.
Not sure but I think the guy drinking the 40 is Justin Pierce, again could be wrong. Definitely resembles him though.
Aside from Hickey and Bici there is one other dude and I have no idea who that was.
Seeing those early Metropolitan ads for the first time. The different font for that company is really jarring.
Keep up the fucking great work, mr. incident.
Gio Estevez is in that shot as well.
Ooooh, these are great. Any chance you could post some American Dream Inc. ads?
Thats definitely Justin Pierce drinking the 40. This era is skateboarding in my eyes, so much style and rawness. No fake bullshit.
I hit that Ari display up at BAMF, it was super good. 2 floors of photos and 4 videos. It was great, a few hours were spent there easily, I think there were over 250 photos.
who is the white dude in the white hat?
Zimmer or something like that?
Mike Hernandez,Jones Keefe, Giovani Estevez, Bici, Ryan Hickey, Justin Pierce NYC
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