i remember when stevie was younger and would break a board and not have one for the rest of the day, he would pull his shoelaces out and crack every part of the board off but the tiny square around his trucks. He would then tie the shoelace to each truck and wear it around his neck.
Welsh, Robbie and then Stevie - on a roll of goodness. Any chance of a Mr S.Greathouse post(interview)?
To be succinct; I wish Stevie had never left Chocolate. Some how, they summed it all up in about 30 seconds.
Remember the ad with Mulder and Stevie showing their Chocolate tats? Wish the both never left.
I remember when Stevie came through with Gino and Keenan on a Choco/Girl tour. Getting a chance to see those three, let alone together was amazing.
Stevie's gold grenade was in full effect as well.
sick. Thanks for that interview.
Stevie is mad ghetto but at the same time, I think he's well spoken.
anon1, shiloh coming soon.
plat, totally should've linked to that. ill.
damn royce, you can't just leave it at that! need some details!
i remember when stevie was younger and would break a board and not have one for the rest of the day, he would pull his shoelaces out and crack every part of the board off but the tiny square around his trucks. He would then tie the shoelace to each truck and wear it around his neck.
stevie used to be dope, but he's wack now. been drinking his own kool-aid too long. whatevs. nice post though.
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