
#793: as devious as it may seem / siva

"Wearing black on this day for whatever could happen today."

figured I continue the H-Street trend with two of their finest, Colby Crapper and Brennand Shaboobie.

watching Colby and Lotti dismantle the Earth in this one is the obvious go-to, but I always dug this part as well.

and the vibe on this one is just so mellow, you can't help but enjoy it. plus, I think I'd give just about anything to skate that bank-to-curb in there.

the ender melon is a monster, too.

last I heard, Colby was designing skateparks and still ripping while Brennand finally left his post at Texaco to join the real estate game.


Art said...

Great posts.

I started skating right when that Thrasher came out. Still have it.

The Chez said...

Met Carter through friends in Tempe. He's actually a really cool guy. Easy to get along with. Yep, he's designing skateparks and doing construction. Always cool to see skaters who developed those skills and make a career making parks. Can you even imagine how cool that would be?

Kris Gurley said...

I've skated that bank to curb(or one so amazing close that it makes no difference)around '02 or so. Off of Sorrento Valley Rd. in SD. By the time we got to skate it, the asphalt curb on top was crumbling. One nude eel and a shower of old tar and gravel came back down with me. It was pretty rad.

Being my age, it's a given that I was all about H-Street/Life/Planet Earth. Colby and Brennad were two of my faves(I freakin' loved Schoeffel's Life pro model)and I was always stoked when either came out with pics or parts. Thanks Chops for taking me back to the days when my knees were good and the Walmart loading dock was a good skate spot. Quality post as always.

stephen said...

Holy shit that nose pic photo. Amazing...

Dave said...

Colby is sick

Christian said...

Always loved his "Next Generation" part - classic for sure.