-Lee Ralph's entry on Thrasher's 15 All-Time Most Beloved Skaters List, 2005
Figured I'd have a little fun today. Like skating itself, I never want this site to become too serious (where I kinda felt it was heading this week).
And plus, I bet I've had over fifty requests for this guy over the years.
Older dudes might know Lee as that scary-looking guy from New Zealand that used to skate for Vision while younger kids might recognize him as one of Malto's new "pro homies"... regardless the guy rips and I've always heard nothing but nice things about him.
The caption on the black-and-white Madonna photo is amazing.
Got to love Lee.
Hell yeah, Chops.
I love the 80's posts.
Such a great time to be skating.
So many strong personalities to look up to.
thanks for this-the protons ad and the Agression session ads were on my wall as a kid for years...total fuckin aggro style.met him at a ramp riot demo in melbourne in the late 80s with hosoi,jesse etc and dude was so mellow.keep up the good work chops!
I love this site!!! Keep posting the 80's stuff.
That graphic with the distorted body all folded up to fit on a board was pretty cool.
He reminds me of a guy I skated with one night at Georgia Tech a long time ago- he was wearing loafers with no socks. I was like, Oh man, look at this guy. He 50-50ed a handrail, a big rail actually. It was the first time I saw someone do that in person. I was like, Holy sh-t! Regardless of fashion, style, blah blah blah, some dudes are just gnarly.
Awesome post Chops! Lee is and was a mad ripper!!!!!
the bro is THE OG kiwi ripper. No words can describe Lee's style. the pictures say everything. thanks for this post. Mean maori mean!
RIPPER! Reverts for days. Shoeless 540's.
I was just watching an old 60 Minutes story on skateboarding in Australia from the late 80's and it had Leigh Ralph in it. Didn't even know you guys in the US knew he existed. Nice one!
Such a great human, still awesome today. Recently he made me a cup of tea and already knew my name. Was a life highlight for sure.
Board stats are helpful.
I swear he was going to snap his tail off from those mammoth, ear shattering madonnas. My ears are still ringing from the sessions he had at the Skate Pit in Wellington NZ.
Would love to see a post on Andrew Morrisson
Old post, but loving the pics.. I was there that day Lee came to Corio.. :) Blew my mind..
Lee was an animal.Still is!
I'd love to see an Andrew Morrison...something,an interview,photos...Anyone know what happened post New Deal?
Two NZ rippers.
Often spotted Morry skating late at night in Auckland.
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