
chrome ball incident #856: bra

Young LBC upstart that came up in a fury, casually dropping sonar-assisted science on several landmark spots in a very short amount of time. Quickly bouncing from Real to the freshly-reincarnated Plan B before his career was ultimately claimed and swallowed whole by the Element abyss.

Darrell Stanton

Anybody know whatever happened to this dude?


  1. Thrasher had a T'Eddy award years back saying Tech Deck ads are where skate careers go to die, but now, I think that's been replaced by Element.

    I don't know where I read it, or if it is true, but it's rumored Darrell is gonna ride for LE. Dude truly fucked up when he left Real.

  2. I wouldn't want to be a professional skateboarder today. Throwing yourself down stairs and rails- and the amount of eating shit involved with that- is one thing when you're 17. There's no way I could keep that up as an adult.

  3. Why is it that once you skate for Element it seems like you are blacklisted for ever skating for a reputable company ever again?

  4. From his interview in The Skateboard Mag #103 "I'm always going to back those LE guys to the fullest but I'm not sure if they're ready to adopt such a high caliber of skater as myself at this time with a new brand. Wherever I go its going to be a big deal."

  5. That backside noseblunt slide photo is so sick. dude is half asleep...CHILLIN!

  6. his Element part is a great watch. nuff skills

  7. I actually really enjoyed his latest element part:

    I was surprised to see that it is now almost 2 years old. Haven't seen much from him since then. Anyone care to further shed light on the "Element abyss"?

    Also, he is from Texas (although did move to the LBC to skate).

  8. Stanton burned too many bridges, doubt we'll see him with a new sponsor. Sad, because I just re-watched the Element part and he still rips.

  9. That cover was ridiculous when it came out.

    He seems to be in limbo right now... Real to Plan B to Element to ???

    Money was a factor at some point along the way.

  10. Bummed that we haven't been able to see more from this guy. I still remember being blown away seeing his nollie front blunt in one of his parts a few years back.

  11. The only thing that come to my mind is that skech from Dave Chapelle: " when keep it real go's wrong"...

  12. @Anons 2 & 4: Element is a blackhole because they're only in it for the money. They'll take just about anybody. You go there for a paycheck, not respect. They'll sponsor anyone and everyone. I'm guessing Stanton is to big for his britches which is why he bounces around so much. Appleyard is likely there for a retirement fund/to take it easy, and Muska because it's the only company he can get away with not skating and still have a board on.

    My apologies for how long-winded this is. I doubt you guys are comin' back for an answer, but on the off-chance you do...

    Whatever soul Element had when it dropped the 'Underworld,' has been long sold for the almighty dollar. Too bad.

  13. An acquaintance of mine works at Thrasher and is pretty close with the people behind it. Anyway, a few years ago, I asked him what had ever happened to this guy - mind you, this was like in 2008 or so when I asked so even back then, this guy's career was pretty much kaput - the story is that once he left Real, the Deluxe guys weren't very happy about it and told Phelps to cut him from having any Thrasher coverage and the dude got the boot from Thunder and Spitfire at the time. You'd think this wouldn't be a big deal because he got on Plan B and DC, but we all know that he eventually got shit canned from those companies as well. Don't believe me? What, you think he picked Element boards and footwear over those brands on purpose? Doubtful. From what I heard, there was some sort of dispute between Stanton and Plan B over money. I don't know as much about that one, but it's just another case of another guy making bad choices and burning out. It happens.

  14. The Skateboard Mag #103 "I'm always going to back those LE guys to the fullest but I'm not sure if they're ready to adopt such a high caliber of skater as myself at this time with a new brand. Wherever I go its going to be a big deal."

    That quite pretty much makes sense after reading what I wrote above this post. Clearly had/has some delusions about who he is. It's not all that surprising. Lots of skaters are greedy, egotistical douche bags. I wish they would just shut up, skate, and be thankful they're even getting paid enough money to support themselves for flying around on pieces of wood.

  15. Yeah, he lost his mind. Didn't you read that recent interview where he feels he is on the same level as Guy? What a nut.

    It's one thing to have confidence in your abilities, a whole other thing if you think you deserve to be treated like Guy Mariano or Danny Way.

  16. While he pretty much sounds like a bigtime Kook, i prefer any Darrell footage over Mariano past mouse or Danny Way.

    Don't get me wrong, Guy is on his peak of ability in this high age, you gotta acknowledge that.

    But his style and trick selection suffer due to his need for outshining himself.

    This is where a Darell Stanton tops Mariano, but he shouldn't have said stuff like that anyways.

  17. ran into him in long beach. i live out here and a couple homies were visiting. he went out of his way and said "follow me" and drove us to a spot. when we got there he basically said "enjoy homies" and dipped out. rad dude, too bad cause the real/vans days of his were very epic. free your mind etc.
