
chrome ball incident #857: come clean

Quick Friday post featuring the Boss' sobering Skateboarder interview from '04. An inspiring and candid read. Good stuff.

In other news, Dressen? Sick!

Lee Ralph. Caveman poet.

Cutting it short today, fellas. I'm pooped.

Thanks guys. 


  1. That kickflip shifty at Rincon is insane!


  2. Great Chops!
    Been looking for this interview for a while.Having moved to Lakeland 3 years ago, I've seen that Steak And Ale gap, and a bunch of spots Reynolds grew up skating. Sweet!

  3. Few skateboarders can make a nollie inward heel look stylish.

  4. "Christian Hosoi, the Ying to Tony Hawk's Yang"

  5. im just hyped to see a reynolds back smith photo he never does that trick. i wish he did more of them

  6. i pressure flipped the steak and ale gap back in 93'

  7. not even tryin'!

    Jokes aside, AR is the Boss and always will be!

  8. I obsessed over this interview when it came out.

  9. dudes a tool and so is greco. they both were actin a role and couldnt handle the real shit so they play it like they had these rock bottom epiphanies and then glamorized it to peddle their imag/product. in and interview for children basically too which is extra lame. i just always thought it was dumb and they shoulda kept there mouths shut cuz like it or not kids that are already marginalized are gonna see that and think its cool. in a back handed idiotic sorta way, but cool. remember that these are the same guys who convinced a generation and a halfs worth of men to wear skin tight pants. u dont see andy roy actin like he was on the sopranos or sumthin. he was really fucked and hes just like "ya i was on drugs. they do that." i know no one cares. just sayin.

  10. I like Reynolds better when he's not all piled out.
