
guest post: jeremy wray #3

Jeremy Wray Week continues with a dedication to brother Jonas.

My brother Jonas exemplifies what it means to skate for all the right reasons. Nothing he does is ever forced or influenced by anything other than his own personal pursuit of a good time.

While we were growing up and skating together in the early years, he clearly had the more natural talent between the two of us. Things seemed to come so easy for him. He learned new tricks quickly and once he had it, he kept it.

We both skated for a solid 10 years before getting out first sponsors and Jonas actually got sponsored first. We skated in contests together and we usually both did pretty good, trading off first and second place finishes. I know for a fact that without having Jonas as my brother to skate with, hang out with and learn from, I would not have made it as far as I did or have become the same person that I am today. Even though he's a year younger than me, he grew up faster and taught me a lot about life and how to live it to the fullest.

The photos you are about to see are just a small glimpse back to an important time in skateboarding and a walk down memory lane with one of my favorite people on the planet. Enjoy.

Support the Wray Bros!  Website coming soon!


  1. I'll still never forget the ad where jonas nollie frontside heelflipped over the east whittier handicap bump (non-existent bump) was it for media or atm click?

    don't get me wrong jeremy, you got mad skills but your brother has mad flow!

  2. i skated with this dude in 1999, which seemed like a few years after he had been getting coverage. but he crushed it with ease, just like jeremy said. sky high kickflips off this bump and super tall backside tailslides on high flat rails, all super casual and easy.

  3. I went to Visalia Skate Camp back in like 90 or 91 and the Wray brothers were there as campers. I skated with Jonas a few times there and he was super good. I remember him learning how to carve and skate the bowl well within minutes.

    I didn't meet Jeremy, but I remember him skating during the pro demo. I think it was Dressen, Tom Knox and Karma that year. A kid next to me dissed Jeremy asking why he thought could skate with the pros. Then, of course, a few years later Jeremy blew up.

  4. Those are some serious big pants and small wheel era pics! That TWS cover is amazing.

  5. Jonas was so underrated. I remember watching him learn pop shove-it underflips after a curb session. He had em dialed within 10-15 minutes.

  6. That pop-shuv late front-shuv blew my mind. Never seen that ad (or trick) before. Love that doubles gap ollie, too. Jonas has always been super sick.

  7. While workin at your friendly neighborhood grocery store in HB, I've recently seen some dude walk through with a Media shirt on occasionally... My first thought was, Is that a Media skateboard shirt? who the hell still reps or even knows about Media anymore? Then upon closer inspection, is that Jonas Wray??? Raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad...

    1. Ha! I recently found a bag full of old Media, Venture and Ambiguous clothing in my garage. It was Jonas's stuff and it was all basically brand new, so I gave it to him to enjoy and he's been rocking the gear lately. It was a true time capsule hidden away in the rafters. Sick!

  8. Awesome post. I had the fortune of skating with Jonas and several other Plan B riders at their demo in Charlotte in like 94 I think. I remember he told me I was his cigarette sponsor for the day. Now I have a 13 year old son and we skate together all the time. No homo, but I named my son Jonas too, partly because of how much of an impression Jeremy's brother left on me and my friends as being the nicest most down to earth dude there. Seeing Jeremy and Jonas and other skaters from that era again on this blog is so amazing and I hope these guys realize just how much of a positive effect their skating and enthusiasm for it has had on so many people. They applied a personal touch to skating that seems to be all but missing currently. Thanks Jeremy and God save the Chrome Ball.

    1. Sweet! I'll let Jonas know there is another Jonas running around. I've heard of a few of these stories so there may be a small army of Jonas' taking over the world in our lifetimes. As long as they are all on skateboards I think we'll be fine. Thanks for sharing :)

  9. Jonas has the best nollie front heels. Wray bros forever!

  10. He was one of the first pros I'd ever seen and met when I first started skating; it was at Chap in Anaheim, and he was cruising around then just snapped an ollie up the five stair and my mind was blown. I hadn't witnessed anyone do that again til a couple years ago, long live the Wray bros!

  11. I am a great fan of skateboarding. Although there is very little chance of skateboarding in my place. This post is really nice. Thanks for sharing your sweet memories.
