
guest post: jeremy wray #4

Jeremy Wray Week concludes with Jeremy's favorite jumps. 

Big ollies have been a fun part of skateboarding ever since Natas and Gonz figured out how to apply them to real street situations and over the years, many people have pushed the limits of what was considered possible at the time. There's just something so pure about going as fast as humanly possible on your skateboard and ollieing off the biggest thing you can find. It really separates the men from the boys.

I've had my fair share of big ollies that ended up gracing the pages and even the cover of some of the biggest skateboard magazines in the world, but by no means was I alone in my passion for taking flight. What we have here is a solid compilation of some of my fellow thrill-seekers doing what they do best. Some you will know and some you may have never heard of, but they all deserve respect for having the guts to push faster than the rest of the pack, bend down, snap that tail and see what happens.

Fly on my friends. - Jeremy Wray

Can't thank Jeremy enough for doing all of this.

CBI will return on Monday with a special announcement.


  1. Nothing beats a nice clean ollie. First trick most people learn and gave you that high that would carry on forever. Nice choice!

    Great to see someone's view and a great choice by our host.

  2. Stoked to see Corey and Laban in here. They both went big for their time and are always overlooked.
    Also that Jordan Hoffort photo is unbelievable.

  3. My knees hurt just looking at this.

  4. really like the fact these are all striaght ollies - no flips... also that Markovitvh pic remains one of my favourite skate photos ever.

  5. go big or go home

  6. is it Salabanzi on the 5th picture ?

  7. I think that's kanten in the 5th pic.

  8. Congrats on a great week Jeremy! I watched you snap an ollie back in '92 and remains the biggest thing I've witnessed to date. It was off the curb cut and over the bush next to the Taco Bell on Whittier Blvd. Pretty sure you know what I'm talking about, it's still there. I remember someone filming it but never saw the footage materialize anywhere.

    Best of luck with Wray Bros! Stoked to see a website finally in the works.

    1. Yep. I remember that. It only ended up in my sponsor me tape I think. That thing is super far. Never measured it out but it's up there with some of the furthest ones I've done. That's sick that you were there for that one. Viva La Habra!

  9. Thanks, Jeremy, for taking the time to do this. Great week for the Chrome Ball. Good luck with Wray Bros!

  10. Nice list of huge ollies.

    DHS photo of cookiehead is great and the Rowley Airwalk one looks massive.

  11. Hey Jeremy,

    Thank you for your contribution and thanks Chops, too.

    Mr. Wray you were always a huge inspiration to me both as a skater, artist, and individual.

    Your low key, down to earth style was contrasted by your larger than life tricks. You will always be considered one of the best, and not just by me.

  12. Actually measured it out a few months back. From the curb cut to the bush is 119" and the bush was 26" tall by 37" long at the time. Still huge by today's standards.

  13. Nice collection, that Butcher pic is phenomenal, that dude is defying several laws of physics right there.

    who is in the first pic!?! And yeah that is Kanteen Russel

  14. Nuge at El Toro.


  15. Yes! I email Chops a few years a go asking about that kanten double page photo. I had it on my wall with a list of all my friends Home phone numbers on it. That started trend with all my skate friends. Find a good photo, that had clean space to write in. I thought I remembered it being Boston, but now I look at it I don't think it is.

  16. I remember first hearing of Jeremy Wray in the very first 411 magazine almost exactly 20 years and tripping on the huge kickflip he did in the opening. Some of the older skaters started to school me on the insanity that is Jeremy Wray. The name escapes me right now, but i do remember it was a Blockhead video, and this fool front 360'd the sports arena double set. I almost shit myself. It didnt seem humanly possibly for anyone to be capable of such magic on a board. I was instantly a fan. This dude nollie backside flipped, switch backsided flipped, AND fakie heeled double sets 20 yrs ago with POWER. I dont even understand how this man doesnt have a permanent model, shoe and board, for huge companies. In my personal opinion he is just as important to skateboarding as Pat Duffy and Jamie Thomas.
