
chrome ball incident #905: mr butts

"We just tried to do new shit and set the bar… not necessarily for others but for ourselves."

this guy doesn't get enough credit, Ronnie Bertino.

legendary status.


  1. Yes! One of my all time faves! You're right. I don't think he gets the credit he deserves. Was fortunate enough to spend some time skating with Ronnie back in the day and he was every bit as good as anyone you could think of at the time. One of my favorite bs shiftys. Good Guy and Rad Dad!

  2. just watched his 2nd Plan B SHS Part. Switch backlip San Diego City College rail sooooooo clean.

  3. Ahead of da game no doubt !

  4. amazing skater. And I agree... deserves more credit than he gets.

  5. He was so good. That sequence in Big Brother issue 2 was incredible – and just as impressive now. Back foot heelflip in Questionable was pretty frickin' good too.

    Great choice, Chops.

  6. the artist formerly known as agoraphobicnosebluntJune 3, 2013 at 5:39 PM

    i remember one of his first board came with a cigarette and a match...i think rudy johnson had the same graphic except it was a joint but it was not shrink wrapped like ronnies board...always loved that ftc friends clip with him and the og blind dudes skating to that beatles instrumental flying...he does a switch heel over a bench or some shit with the dopest steeze...bertino was fucking buttery in the early 90s.

  7. I like the the ollie over the anvil best but plainly all rad.

  8. I love the Shorty's ad, a skateboarder's wet dream! and that Droors safe sex ad is beyond classic. This dude was definitely the shit back in the day.

  9. the_notorious_bifJune 4, 2013 at 1:04 AM

    Extremely underrated Skater and one of the best dudes I've ever met. Ronnie deserves so much respect.

  10. Two things:

    Adam McNatt and Bertino were fucking KILLing it in '93-'94 but have been lost to history.

    The tricks Guy and Rudy do in that Blind add are fucking incredible, I've never seen that add. Guy Mariano is so fucking amazing, he's one of those dudes who gets better over time, you look back and realize how many light years ahead he really was, and still is

    Chops, well done
