
chrome ball incident #904: i and i survive

"Pulaski Park locals are some of the most hospitable people on the planet... just remember your running shoes when you're packing to visit."

R.I.P. Pepe

Be back Monday. Sorry, behind on shit. 


  1. Wow awesome photos in this lot. Brings back a lot of memories watching all the footage from DC. Love it!! RIP PEPE!!!!

  2. Thanks for this! Pepe remains a timeless skater. I remember this time and time again. Taken back by the Pulaski scenes. It doesn't get old.

  3. The first time I ever saw pros skating street was at Pulaski. Andy Stone did a FS 5-0 BS 180 out in the middle of the main ledge in 1999. Pepe and John Igei where there too.

  4. andy stone, so classe.
    and mullendor so much pop.
    with my best friend we were so impres by mullendor's pop.

  5. My hometown. So unbelievably stoked to see a Tucci photo on here!!!! still see him constantly out and about skating the city. Love seeing the DC. MD, and VA (DMV) heads getting some shine, even if it is years later, still, just seeing all this makes me feel proud to call the DMV my home.

  6. man... the eastcoast was the shit for a while there in the mid to late 90's!

    Got to skate Freedom Plaza on a skate trip to DC around 96. It was so fucking hot and humid when I was there. Only really skated in the evenings. Ledges were super nice as well as the overall surface, although there are words etched in the ground in some spots you have to watch out for.

    The wall is pretty damn massive. That Harper bs nollie flip (regardless of the imo bad style) and that huge ollie jay lay does are amazing displays of alien powers.

  7. Thanks for the DC love Chops!
    I remember one time in 95' Reese, McElroy, and Pat1 drove down and Reese gets outta the car and first try 360 flipped the big block low to high.
    Intense Y///

  8. WOW. Such a rad collection of shots there. Keep up the good work. Site is amazing as ever.


  9. Sheffey, BigYoungn, WhiteGirl, Fatty-Bird, 13th&Pennsylvania, Hiding boards in the grate, Dugout, Watchin for 'Park', 40's, First Joints, Ravers, Beatdowns, Tourists, Lines, Planters, Bottom Curb, White Wall, Big Pants-Small Wheels, Pressure Flips, Unicycle chick, Leather Foot...

  10. that fakie 5-0 shot of pep up top is gorgeuos

  11. RIP.
    Pepe is one of those dudes that was so before his time, gets credit, but never enough.
    He came to NC for a demo or something, must have been early to mid 90's, and we all skated around downtown Durham. There was a flatbar at a hotel that at the time MAYBE 3 people had ollied over, it was 3 ft tall or so.
    Pepe cruised up to it, and NOLLIED it like it was nothing. I am not sure mind has been blown like that since. We could barely nollie a curb at that point.
    Always good people in DC, always welcomed us. Thanks.

  12. yeah... Pepe was one of my favourites in those early 411/Fine Artist days. Loved Capital when it started. Style and power. RIP.

    Is Pepe pronounced "peppy" or "pep"?

  13. i think it's 'pee-pee'

  14. back when Jim Gordy would intimidate the hell out of the out-of-towners and you definitely didn't want to snake or get in someone's way. 411 clips galore back then. never got my board taken but once had to run into the mall with Dustin Charlton and the filmer. We hid in a magazine store and the cop actually came in and grabbed the filmer and took him away. We hid our boards and played it natural.
    alex hansen told me about a Canadian girl skater who just got tackled so hard by the park police. her head hit the ground and shit, she was crying and they showed no pity.

  15. Brian Tucci! A true OG. Respect.

  16. When I was 15 and living outside Fredericksburg, DC seemed like a wonderland that had amazing skateboarding going down.
