
these are my skateboard friends #890

Another one of those ultra-talented LA Boys who just seemed to find this skateboarding thing entirely too easy. The science of Paulo Diaz.

Look how high he cleared that bench by in the nollie heel sequence. Bonkers.

Originally slated to have a part in A Visual Sound... hard to imagine the magnitude that would've made had it actually gone down. Most of the footage didn't even come out until 2 years later and it was still a classic.

Big up to my man Jake and his experiments. And special thanks once again to Jim Thiebaud.


  1. True original!

    That style, the trick selection, just that push! Unfortunately, they just don't make 'em like this anymore. It's utterly fascinating to watch someone that just does it like absolutely no one else.

    Also, that double noseblunt slide photo by Spike has always been a fave!

  2. always a fan of Paulos skating...just so natural looking, looks like so much fun. he can make a simple frontside noseslide look like he is giving it everything he has inside of him, but at the same time seems effortless. hard to explain, but I am sure just about anyone who has taken the time to find and check chromeball daily will agree. forget which video it was, but it was a montage of some sort...super clean and good skating all over by everybody, and then Paulos name popped up and here he comes, half-cabbing into the frame then tick-tacking down the sidewalk setting up for another trick, then that push that looks like he is pushing the ground away from his board, and not the board from the ground...it was just a beautiful and fresh sight to see.

  3. Was that Paco part really from his Stereo days?? Now that I think about it, I guess some of it was filmed pre-Chocolate.

    Definitely unique and original. Always a fan.

  4. Nollie noseslide is absurd. He's getting on the rain almost at the very top!

  5. I've always wondered if that double kink front board was a make.

  6. yes sir,he made that double kink f/s slide 4th try..fresh from jumping out the back of a pick up truck in traffic...he spotted it and said sherman get the camera out..he took a few picks got kicked out and went on to the next...lol..(background props to me in that photo)

  7. Dude! Thanks for clarifying... I should have known. I always liked that hydrant ollie you did as well which I believe was shot the same day? Props..

  8. The craziest trick I've seen him do is hang ten nose manual on a picnic table. 1:18 in this clip from Finland:

  9. Crazy. I was just thinking about this guy today, how he was such an asset to the skate community and was a true artist, in the spirit of Gonz. Him and Quim certainly offered a nice relief from the over tech, sporty and "jock" (as mike v would say) culture of skating. Though I love it all. Props to chrome ball, as always (and he could've switch backside ollied a double stack picnic table!)

  10. One of the favorites!
    True original indeed.

  11. Maybe the best nollies ever. Does anybody know what trick he does over the picnic table in the cover? A backside flip? That's insanely high.

  12. check out those bearing covers in that frontside slide lol

  13. Lari

    The transworld cover is a switch backside 180.

  14. These pictures looking awesome .To do this kind of skating you have some guts.

  15. i started skating with pablo (that was his name back inthe day) in the 6th grade...there was something so special about him, how easily he would pick up new trick...i see now how his style was born......i remember one day we had our mark gonzales boards stolen togther by these korean gangsters in hollywood...we were pissed..
