
chrome ball incident #889: eastern promises

I'm not sure if even vert skaters had 60mm signature wheels in 1996.

Felt like some mid-90s East Coast shit today, Philadelphia Zoo member Sergei Trudnowski fit the bill perfectly. Always a sucker for some Illuminati/Silverstar ads. 

And this is just weird

Thanks to Skateboarder (congrats on the awesome 1st issue), Skateboard Mag and the 'Tap for the links last week. 


  1. The "I am obsessed with Sergei Trudnowski" blog is priceless. Check out the mailbag section. There is an e-mail from Sergei that says, "Please stop following me".

  2. always felt this dude tried to hard to be like Ricy and Matt and all those dudes, never came off genuine to me. He would just skate obscure stuff cuz he had to and was part of that crew.

  3. You're way off, dude seems way more pasty that ricy.

  4. That back lip is nice. The art of doing those on ledges is really underappreciated.

  5. lol. That tripod obsession page is hilarious.

  6. Damm! Thar girl is crazy! It look like a joke at first, but it is too intense to be a joke!

    This skater make me thing of this old 411 Philly section.

  7. One of Reading's finest. RIP magic skatepark (first photo is from there). Damn shame that place is gone.

  8. Why? I'd say the only reason that dude for in sk8 is cuz friends. I've been around him recently. As far I saw he couldn't really even skate

  9. Maybe the most interesting sk8 c0mpany ever. Read the first ad, says it all. Exactly what we're dealing with now as a country. In a sk8 ad?! So cool

  10. Maybe the most interesting sk8 c0mpany ever. Read the first ad, says it all. Exactly what we're dealing with now as a country. In a sk8 ad?! So cool

  11. Maybe the most interesting sk8 c0mpany ever. Read the first ad, says it all. Exactly what we're dealing with now as a country. In a sk8 ad?! So cool

  12. Why? I'd say the only reason that dude for in sk8 is cuz friends. I've been around him recently. As far I saw he couldn't really even skate

  13. Interview with Sergei. He is nothing like I expected him.

