
chrome ball incident #871: drunken monkey style

Quick update featuring the popping fresh stylee of Mr. Quim Cardona.

Classic Joe Bananas interview from Thrasher 1997... amongst other goodies.

Little known fact: I almost named this blog after the lampshade ad up top. Not sure why but it seemed like a good idea at the time.

This is easily one of my favorite parts of all-time. Quite brilliant actually. 
Something I would even dare to label as "brilliant", if really pressed about it. 

Let's hope he comes correct in Static 4.


  1. Lets just say best skate video ever! Non Fiction is my number 1.

  2. he's so sick. he skated the little banks really well. i saw him doing switch crooked grinds up that metal escalator ledge in tribeca many, many years ago. great style, totally original skater.

  3. You can run any one of those Ollie or switch Ollie photos today and stoke kids out. Timeless. Him and Paulo Diaz are the best ever I think. Just pure uncontrived style for days.

  4. one of the all time style masters!!!

  5. This one brings back fond memories of sharpie'd forarms.

  6. Chops,

    are you missing a scan of that insane--was it Billibong?--ad of Quim's absolutely gigantic wallride over that Mural? I think it ran in Transworld.

  7. 2:13 in that video part. Holy hell!

  8. He has permanent boned ollie posture. That switch one at Fort Miley is beyond amazing.
