
#870: dangling by a strain of bone marrow

"Whether it's positive or negative, I'll worry."

This is for all my G's, my homies...

Easily in my all-time Top 3 faves, Mike Carroll.

I was able to do a bit of spot tourism in-between meetings last week in San Francisco and kept flashing back to the insane shit this dude used to throw down on the regular back in the day. Insane.

And on a related note, how goddamn obnoxious has SF gotten with those fucking skatestoppers! I understand you don't want us to skate there but Jesus... I wouldn't be surprised if the City started laying down bear traps soon.


  1. I guarantee Vancouver has all cities beat with regards to skatestoppers. Majority of new construction comes pre-skatestopped. It's brutal. As I'm approaching my 40's, I don't really skate street spots anymore but I always notice skate spots and the stoppers that come with them.

    I was watching the goldfish throwaway the other day and Carroll's stuff aged super well... a true testament to legendary status is how timeless someones super old footage can look.

    Really like all those old H-steet era pics.

    Fakie 360 flip bs noseblunt slide to fs nose slide transfer on that Safeway double sided curb is amazing.

    Definite top 3 of all time for me as well. And he doesn't come across as an idiot on social media, like some other pros do.

  2. I moved to SF after all the classic spots along the EMB had been brutally skate-proofed. What a bummer. At Pier 7 they had metal bars going across the manual pads. It was an ugly sight.

  3. So happy about this post. Honestly, that nollie flip he does in his first line in pretty sweet is so perfect I struggle to find the words to do it proper justice. Classic MC. The loft, the flick, the push. Just too good. Thanks Chops.

  4. Another awesome post Chops. 4 AM taking a break from some graph theory studies and this was just what I needed.

  5. Skate stoppers are much uglier than anything left by a thousand skateboards!
    As Mr. H Sanchez so rightfully said,regarding the stoppers at Pier 7,"It's hating man,that's skater hating".
    Rock on,Eric.

  6. Joe Jack Talcum, Jr.February 25, 2013 at 6:34 AM

    What I like is when a person makes something difficult look easy and effortless. That's definitely Carroll. And he never came across as cocky about it.

  7. That kickflip back tail sequence is what I try to recreate every time I do that trick. Full flick on one frame, totally locked in on the next. Amazing...

  8. Modus Operandi opener = legendary

  9. Not to flood your blog with links but I had never seen that 4Star ad, but I did grow up watching the footage from this chaos section in 411 29. How about those lines by MC?!?!

  10. http://m.youtube.com/watch?feature=relmfu&v=ZcYGFvBflG0

  11. I don't think there's been a better KFBSTS than MC's at pier 7, before or since. Everything about that feeble on the fountain is perfect, down to the shirt and shoes! Amazing post!

  12. I wish MC and some of the other older Crailtap guys would put out a cruising/dorking video while shutting it down one last time

  13. Carroll flicks and footage are such gems. Definitely one of the best styles and a true innovator in skateboarding. I recently got around to watching the "Dog" video. Really fun watch, and a trip back to the fountain where Carroll and co. do a bunch of tricks.

    I agree with Keith, his footage has aged quite well.

    Hope you enjoyed the City, Chops. It sucks seeing everything skateproofed, but I always geek out when I see famous spots, particularly in SF.

  14. I received that Transworld with the nollie flip on the cover when I was in jail (thanks mom) I read that thing so much I have every word and picture in that magazine engraved in my head a decade later. Rad.
