
chrome ball incident #772: skatehoarding

My all-time favorite Bones Brigade member, Uncle Lance.

Been wanting to post up these "Why?" articles for a long time and figured since I'd just done a post on Lance a week or so ago, now seemed like the perfect time.

The fact that he felt the need to keep all this stuff over the years speaks volumes. Dude's the best.

Thanks once again to my friends over at DLX.


  1. Simply amazing, he's the reason I started riding Independent... [Stage V ad by a parking block]

  2. dude's the best. no question. i wish he were my neighbor.

    i'm always impressed by the collecting gene. i've got it (i collect records), but knowing that lance's pops collected military uniforms, and that lance collects all of this awesome skate ephermera, well... it's awesome to know that a dude is out there not only experiencing it, but picking up lil' chunks of it as he goes along.

  3. You know Lance writes back uh, homie? Should have posted it.

  4. Chrome Ball Super FanApril 3, 2012 at 9:07 PM

    Bones Brigade week is the best!!!

  5. Wow...was not expecting this. Great post.

  6. Excellent. I remember these transworld articles. I was pretty young and didn't know what any of it meant. The george harrison story is the only thing that even felt familiar re-reading it. So many good things in there though. "Sadlands street team member", gonz, chatman etc. That wallie pic is so rad too! Wish I had that for my wall.

  7. Wow. That was amazing. I never saw those articles. I love every post, but thought I would finally say thank you.

  8. HAHA! Check the mic stand at :17 of the Propaganda part........
    Thank you Chrome Ball and thanks Lance!

  9. did lance forget that gonz wore a shirt with a picture of himself and the words "brainwash victim" in his 1986 thrasher interview? i can't believe that.

  10. Why articles are cool. Lots or really interesting memorabilia.
