
chrome ball incident #724: sht sound

Definite overkill on this one but fuck it, nothing gets me giddier than the impending release of a Choco/Girl video.

See a few heads appearing in the trailer that I honestly wasn't so sure about. Stoked.

Who's part are you looking forward to the most?

...and remember when you could get away with doing tricks on 3-stair rails?

Special thanks to Mark Whiteley, Rob Brink, Allen Ying, Sergei Trudnowski, the other Anthony Pappalardo (who sent me his book that I'm currently digging on) and chrome baller Mika (who must've worked his ass off to interview Alex Moul on Facebook).

Thanks for all the support out there.

Be back on Wednesday. Currently in transcription hell.


  1. Alex Moul interview? Yes! I can't wait. That dude is criminally underrated.

  2. The best skate ads were in the mid 90s, never featured product shots and to the uninitiated, could've been for a feature film, band or random conceptual artist.

    New Chocolate film will be epic, looking forward to it.

  3. I've never been disappointed in any of the chocolate/girl videos.


    Pappalardo and Cory Kennedys parts i cant wait to see!!!

  5. Nice one
    And that book is a killer, been slowly making my way through it.
    Visual overload, enjoy it.

    Thanks as always


  6. Girl/Chocolate seriously has the heaviest team, no doubt this will be great. Too many heads to mention...

  7. Nic post.

    On the topic of the trailer, I was so psyched on the Gino and guy push footy followed by the Gino kickflip pivot fakie.

  8. Where's espionner? lol

    Crailtap stuff rarely comes across as serious, which is nice.

    Looking forward to seeing what Gino and Papps have up their sleeves. Gino's ollie up bank - kf pivot ollie out to fakie was super good and style beyond measure.

    Hopefully Ty doesn't ruin it with fucked up slo-mo and other excessive lame filming and editing techniques.

  9. Gino full length part please.
    Also, Raven will be sick.

  10. What I'm looking forward to: Any footage of Gino, Guy, Carrol or Howard!

    Also, thanks CBI for such an amazing post, and site in general...always fun to check it out and see old ads, spots & skaters of yester-year.

  11. It'll be the best thing ever. The obvious guys like MJ, Guy, Gino, Kenny and Brian will be sick. But I am really ecstatic about Alex Olson, Cory Kennedy, Pops, Raven, and Elijah.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. E.RICKS......There are two different Anthony Pappalardo's, the one that put out that book isn't the skateboarding one. ANYWAY, this is going to be amazing, BA, Carroll, Vincent, Howard, Guy, MJ, Gino, Pops, Kenny....no way it could be bad (providing Pop's has more then fs 50-50s)

  14. @ Alex..Sorry i should of been more clear...I was just helping promote the book "Live Suburbia" from the other Pappalardo because i have a few pictures in it...

    The skateboarder Pappalardo im just a fan and would like to see his new stuff along with C.K AND D.Castillo...

    Great stuff Chops!!!

  15. Hope they don't push this one out too quick and follow the trend with the "short" full lengths, like origin or brainwash. I can wait an extra year for another yeah right.

  16. Cheers for mentioning the Alex Moul interview.
    To the scan of the "20 things you didn`t know about the Girl skateboard company" # 9
    Here is a direct link to an article about the legendary 1994 girl Euro tour. My mate was there and he said the team was totaly mental and he didn`t mean on the board.


  17. Raven, Vincent, Elijah, Guy and Carroll are the ones I'm looking forward to the most but there will be no dull spots for me.

    I never knew why, but that mini-bike ad always stoked me out. Weird.

  18. Stoked on this post and thanks to E.Ricks for helping with Live...Suburbia! We were trying to find some early 90s candids that no one had seen and he came through!

    People hate TY's slo-mo but do they hate Stacy Peraltas? hmmm nothing wrong with going for something totally different and pushing the medium.

    The Guy/Rick ad warms my heart, and amazing nod to old World ads

    Thanks for the book mentions hope the stories resonate with you all.

  19. So erm, what exactly happened on the 1994 Girl Tour?

  20. K: blunts, bongs, beers, girls, $ 2000 telephone bills per day, fights, passed out pros... Use your imagination for the worst nightmare a team manager can have and you are probably not even close to what actually happened.
    Legendary tour- never happened again.

  21. I'm psyched on everyone in this, Tershy, Alvarez, Mariano, but I'm looking forward to Gino's footage the most. I wonder if Ty Evans working with him to have a full part like he did with Guy for FF. And even though fans might be okay with it, I doubt Gino wants to have a part with him doing the simplest tricks because it wouldn't be up to his standards. I doubt he wants to milk his career. Honestly I wished he had more tricks in the Nike vid but he wasn't satisfied with that part, so I think this'll be good. I saw a video with Elijah Berle released on Youtube back in the spring where he said Gino had 10 tricks so far, so maybe he'll have a full part.And if not it's cool, his clips are still valuable.

    I don't care for a lot of slow-mo either and frankly I hope it's not overdone in the video. Occasional slow motion w/ another clip of the same trick at normal speed is alright, but too much is melodramatic. Skating shouldn't be bursting with melodrama, it's better than that.

    The song used for the trailer was sort of funny as well...the lyrics/editing made it seem like our we're so lonely and empty due to how we haven't seen the video, haha.

  22. @ Mika and K. Yeah, that tour must have been horrible. I saw the team in Hamburg, it was hot as hell and the whole team seemed not very motivated as long as I saw them. After I left and it cooled down a bit, it was Koston that turned on a show including the Switch Heel over the pyramid which I couldn't imagine anyone could do. Can't remember who said that from the team, but it was something like:"We were some teenagers that were treated like rockstars and we behaved like that"

  23. you can see the stereo influence on a some of their more gentlemanly ads.
