
chrome ball incident #695: index finger

totally forgot about this grip of J.Lee scans leftover from last month's ABD interview.

the 360 flips are a no-brainer but let's not forget about dude's one-foots and backside flips. style supreme.

big up to deluxe, hopps, scumco and mr. jeff bebe.

also, for those dealing with issues regarding blogspot's new image viewer, please wait until the page is done loading before clicking on an image and the old zoom viewer should pop up. i think i fumbled through finding a fix but please keep an eye out for any other problems that I may have caused while implementing said fix.

...my long history of proven incompetence while attempting even the simplest of cut-and-paste operations speaks for itself. fingers crossed. 

my lady and her cat are in the process of moving in over the next week so please bear with me, folks.


  1. Awesome follow up to the ABD interview. Always been a J Lee fan. That one foot over the hydrant is such a great photo.

  2. I had that one footer photo hanging up in my room. I think every time I tried a one foot ollie, I had that image burned into my brain as the way it should look.

  3. !!!!!!!!!! Tailgrab pic!!!!! 1up on the new home additions!

  4. Thanks Eric. These posts help me get through the day.

  5. Mutton chops fit in so well with Brandon and Dylan of that eras 90210 lol

    Am View and the other interview are from poweredge? I've seen them both before but not in a long time.

    That reminisce Ed thing is great. "A nose slide on the vertical side of a curb" crazy!

    Jason Lee will always be one of my favourites to watch. Super tall guy style.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. one foot over the hydrant is my fav photo of all time. havent seen it in 20+ years homie. thanks! love those airwalks. j lee is the shit. this blog is crazy, like running back the first playboy mags you ever saw. time machine. good lookin

  8. One foot over the hydrant is a classic. Anyone know what World wheels those were in that pic? I remember Klein, Chatman, Colvin, and Mullen all riding them at an old World demo.

  9. Great post!!!
    @ Anonymous#2: I think those aren`t World wheels. Gizmos looked different they were more conic.
    Those wheels could be "blind- White Walls" He`s skating the same setup in the mini ramp tailgrab picture. Blind J. Lee Grinch model, same blue Ventures and wheels as in the fire hydrant pic.

  10. Thank you Mika,
    Never thought those were Blind White Walls. It makes perfect sense with the design of the wheel. Never seen them in my local shops. Peep the link below for clips from that day.

    Jeremy's wearing the Hawk shirt. Chatman with the hat and gray shorts. Colvin is wearing a red shirt.


  11. @Anonymous: the video is really bringing back memories. Cheers for uploading.

  12. Good luck with the old lady moving in. The only time that happened to me I got hitched, and then had two kids and bought a house. It happens. (good stuff)

    Thanks for this post. J Lee always brings a smile, esp that hydrant one foot. I think that pic was what made me learn one foots back in the day. I'll second Remington Foxworthy's comment that it stuck in my head as what a one foot "should look like". For a trendy trick that remained with the 90s, for me its still one of the better ollie variations.

    Glad that Jason is still skating. Makes old fuddy duddies like me feel young again.

    As always, much thanks Chops.
