
chrome ball incident #694: a day in the life

"I used to hang out at TWS all the time and I asked 'em if I could try to shoot an interview. They told me that most interviews took about 6 months and I was shocked. I thought you could shoot an interview in a week or even a few days. Then I pitched them the idea of doing a whole interview in one day. They all thought it was impossible but were down to give it a shot. So we did and it worked out." -JT

Update: looks like blogspot is doing something new with the images. In order to zoom in on each scan to read the text, click the "Image From" link in white and it will take you back to the old, zoomable format.

Sorry, guys. Not my fault. Anybody know how to turn that off?


  1. please go back to the old format for when we click on photos?

  2. ...can't zoom in to see the text of the interviews/enlarge the photos

  3. yeah, this is all news to me. Looks like this is some new blogspot thing. Anyone know how to turn it off?

    If you click on the "Image from" link in this new picture previewer thing, it will take you back to the old format and let you zoom.

    Sorry, guys.

  4. Damn, that interview's photos would be 100% legit today. Back 180 fakie nosegrind on a rail? Haven't seen that much in the last 12 years.

  5. Jamie's career is anything but short... Awesome read. Thanks!

  6. FUCK YEAH! I am so stoked you scanned this! You made my week.
    I've been wanting to re-read this since he mentioned it in your interview with him. I remember getting this issue in the mail and openning up to that spread of him ollie over the gate and my mind was totally blown. I thought that shot of him bic-ing his head was the gnarliest thing ever. After reading it over several times I hacked this mag up and plastered it all over my walls.
    Please put up the TWS Ed Templeton interview that come out around this time (94 I think).

  7. that heelflip roof gap photo is amazing. The shadow, the texture of the building, the triangle of the roofs to match his body/board, the scale. bow down to sturt.

  8. how jamie thomas was never crowned SOTY is beyond me.

  9. Savage interview, an inspiring read. 20 years old and that focused, determined and aware of what he wanted to do? Mental. At that age, I was an utter fuckwit.

  10. And that 360 flip over the 3 steps & the chain is a contender for one of the best ever.

  11. One of the milestones or should I say creators of modern skateboarding.

    The next evolutionary step after Duffy.

  12. Didn't some of this stuff end up in The Dreams of Children?

    In other news, for those of you on the East Coast, fall is officially here. Temperatures drop, hoodies on. Time to hit the free park, get yr Friday evening skate on. Head home have a whiskey, go to bed.


  13. I always open each chrome ball pic in a new tab in firefox and get the big size so the pic thing doesn't affect my cbi experience.

    Back in the day, I thought Thomas' style was a bit odd... kinda stinkbug, kinda awkward looking on a board. Almost like he was too big on it. I recognize the skill he had but I never thought it looked great. Regardless, the 1 day interview is awesome. Alley-oop fs 180 over the handrail is sick. The big frame of the 360 flip over the chain is amazing.

  14. Awesome read, not sure how I missed this one the first time around. Did Jamie shave his eyebrows as well? He's looking a little creepy there.

    Regardless, Jamie was and is the man! Without him carcass tossing wouldn't be what it is today.

    And is that a Kalis sighting in the last photo? Ahhh, the good old days of homie filming.

  15. Re: "Didn't some of this stuff end up in The Dreams of Children?"

    Wrong video. Bunch of these pics were also filmed and ended up in Welcome to Hell. Getting my wires crossed in my old age.

  16. wasn't there a toy machine commercial for "heavy metal" before "dreams of children" started? kalis footage, thomas tre flip, etc.?

  17. @K
    This stuff was in his Heavy Metal part. Way before Welcome to Hell. Check it:

  18. You Skately, yeah he shaved his eyebrows and there was a time he mentioned this in an interview when asked he said "Yeah in retrospect that was a bad idea all the sweat just goes straight into your eyes and burns constantly" this was like after he had a shit ton of concussions and stuff and he was saying how he would see double rails when coming pushing to get there. Crazy.

    also; Hardest working man in skateboarding, or Hardest working man EVER in skateboarding. He was seriously putting time in and staying away from the "skate lifestyle" and just putting time in. There is no question, without his persistence and ballsy attitude we would definitely be at a different juncture in skateboarding today.

    a milestone.
