
chrome ball incident #676: beer shampoo

"Gotta make it nice and pretty for the internet."

Starting the week off with one of skateboarding's finest all-terrain killers, Dan Drehobl.

That ruthless type of gnar that goes beyond counting stairs. So sick.

Big thanks to Templeton Elliott and the Skateboard Mag, Grey Skatemag, Joel Rice and DLX for the support. Much appreciated.

And a special congratulations to my Mom for hanging in there through everything and completing the last of her radiation therapy.

Things are looking good.


  1. A frontside 360 down 4 stairs for an ad? I could see if it was Donger durning the Life era. That is really wack.

  2. Back tail on a fence??? Super sick.

  3. A front 360 down 4 was still pretty good in early 1992. But the fact that you're still using the word "wack" makes me doubt that you're actually old enough to know that.

    So much good shit in this post. Keep it up.

  4. Jeremy Wray was frontside 360ing the San Diego sports arena double set in Debbie Does Block Head in 92. Nice try though. Dan rips. That trick during that time is terrible for an ad. I think you need to learn more about skateboarding. That is a weak ass add..even switch that is weak in 92 but you probably don't even skate.

  5. Mr. Wack, sorry you don't care for this ad. I just wanted to include an early ad of Dan's and I always dug this era of Foundation. Also, I'm not sure Jeremy Wray should be your standard measuring stick to compare other skaters to but I do see where you're coming from.

    Mr. 'Wack' is wack, if it makes you feel any better, there were several "wacker" tricks getting full page ads in this same issue. A late shuv over a parking block is particularly suspect.

    That said, everybody chill out.

  6. I like drehobs 360 ad it kinda reminds me of matt reasons 360s down the small love set

  7. Didn't expect to see the first commenter on a Drehobl post come with such negative heat. F/s 360 stair counting aside, Dan killed it for a long time before he earned his own week on the Thrasher website... WSOTY.

  8. I cannot believe there are ANY negative comments on here. WHo cares about ads?? Go skate. DD is sick. End of.

  9. Big up to the blindside ollie to fakie photo.
    Big up to your mom too!

  10. Drehoble is sooo rad. I also think that fs 360 Ollie ad is decent. I was probably 16/17 yrs old and skating for about seven years when that ad came out (to give you my frame of reference). I mean it wasn't groundbreaking obviously but it looks better than a lot of shit from that era... Do you even remember pressure flips? I definitely don't think it was 'whack' at all.That blindside Ollie photo is sick. Fuck he stuck with Think forever huh? Glad he's on krooked now, thats a perfect fit. No offense to Think. Dan is in that handful of skaters that can skate EVERYTHING really well with style.

  11. He was on Foundation before he was on Think?

    Think had a good team back then with Drehobl, Pailes and Shao. Pretty sure Speyer was on at the same time as well.

    I remember that Slap cover. Dawes mailed a whole box full of those to my friends house to give out at the first Slam City Jam but it arrived a day late so the house ended up with a whole stack of them.

    Didn't Drehobl have a really bad knee injury in the mid-late 90's?

  12. Original dude with an original style!

  13. Kids today sleep on Think, assuming it's just another generic board company. Damn shame considering the aforementioned lineage.

    Great post, great discussion. Did Donger ride for Life? I need to watch Soldier's Story again.

  14. Every once in a while I would see a nasty/negative comment here, but not that often. Unfortunately I've be seeing more and more of it lately. It amazes me that anybody could hate on the content presented here. There's no agenda, and there's no pressure to impress. How could you muster anything other than appreciation for time put into digging up all this old content and archiving it? Chrome Ball is like skateboarding's Library of Congress.
    Cancer Dan rules and that front 3 was sick.

  15. wasnt your boy ricks on think the same time as the above mentioned?
    weird considering him and santarossa put think on the map.

  16. thanks guys.

    thanks leiv. yeah, i think this sorta thing is just natural as the site continues to grow. i couldn't care less if someone wants to get all pissy over a 20-year-old skateboarding ad, go right ahead... i mean Dan's board has rails on it for God's sake. I just intervened on this one because it was already getting pretty lame. internet dick-waving is the worst.
    it's just typing, fool.

    and yeah, ricks was on think around the same time as Drehobl... but they had a slew of fools before them that really put that brand on the map... ronnie bertino, karl watson, jason adams,
    greg carroll, scott johnston...

  17. no one talked about think as a legit board company outside of s.f. trust me growing up in carlsbad and working in numerous skate shops up and down the cali coast in the 90s no one cared or rode think boards until ricks came aboard then suddenly we had a mad rush on think ricks boards and think product.

  18. anyone on CBI is better than me, so i'll never talk shit.

    dan is awesome, and he's one of those guys who i think there's just not enough photos of out there.

    he's the only guy on earth i'd let smoke in my house. keith richards, you gotta step out on the porch.

  19. as soon as I saw "beer shampoo" I knew who it was! That issue of Skateboarder as a whole was great, the blunt fakie photo is awesome.

    Thanks chops!

  20. Thanks for this, whenever I see Dan, I think of Karma (yes that's a request).

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