
chrome ball incident #660: honeynut

Figured this would make a nice follow-up to yesterday's post.

Another dude that plain don't fuck around. Argentina's finest, Diego the Butcher.

I know I probably should've included more Think ads with this one... but let's face it, Toy Machine ads are just better.


  1. Toy Machine ad's are better.
    Future post perhaps?

  2. Great post.

    This guy's a ripper!

  3. Those parts and photos are of course completely gnarly. Maybe it's a sign of getting old, but it made me think of the incredible physical abuse he put his body through.

  4. i read a Gareth Stehr interview once that said Diego is super consistent at tech skating but Toy doesn't portray that...something about he did a switch laser flip for a filmer and then wanted to do it over because it was too sketchy. It was really interesting to think that some skaters might not be anything like the image promoted by their company.

  5. ^
    That could be the case.
    Diego was in the finals of the first ever Game Of Skate with Koston and Paul Rodriguez.

  6. When this guy was coming up, I was petering out on skate mags and videos. Totally missed him.

    Never seen that tws part or that Thrasher clip until now. Dude goes pretty large. He doesn't flip his board a lot but when he does, shit is solid.

  7. nice post, Chops. And way to get the shout out on the latest Epicly Later'd!

  8. Toy Machine ads are great, man! Yo, art directors out there, when are we going to see some creative stuff? Yeah, people are going bigger and pulling off crazier shit, which is great, but don't just stick a logo on a picture. Do something cool and fun. Way to go Ed Templeton!

  9. Bucchieri Diego is the best in Argentina. When I was 15 or 16 years had an image of him making a high F / s noseslide in my school notebook.
    Now I have a fresh 25 years and continues to amaze me with his skate.

    Let's rock!
