chops and colin sit down for some pina coladas and conversation.
So Colin, it seems
like the last few years have been really big for transition skating. With Grant
Taylor and the Trunk Boyz, it’s gotta be exciting for you to see some new blood
out there. Do you feel like vertical skating is primed and ready for a comeback?
No, not at all. (laughs)
I hear people say that all time but I just don’t see it. Simply
because I don’t think the people who are skating transition these days are
looking at it like they’re skating “vert”. Grant Taylor is one of my favorite
people to watch skate… Raven, too. But there’s a difference between those guys
and a Pedro Barros.
True… but with street
spots getting cracked down on and transition-heavy skateparks popping up
everywhere, do you feel these categorical lines like “vert” and “street”
will ultimately disappear again?
That would be cool and I do think these lines are getting
blurred a bit but I think the real difference between truly skating vert or
not… and this might sound weird, but it’s putting on pads. There’s a difference
between Hosoi doing an 11-ft McTwist in a Combi-Pool versus the way street
skaters skate pools. It’s skating pools on the inside and running out versus
skating on-top. Not to say that one is better than the other, dudes without
pads are fuckin’ gnar. But there is a difference there.
But why has vert
suffered so much? God knows street skating has had more than its fair share of
horrible trends and bounced back.
I don’t want this to sound like I’m knocking anybody but I
feel that vert has gone this weird route because of the way contests are
judged. Like I’ll watch Bob do a run that is just unbelievable. And in my mind,
he’s totally won the thing. But then someone will do a more typical
contest-style vert run: higher airs with hardly any lip or switch tricks, and
they end up winning! Young kids see this type of run winning contests and this
is what makes them start skating that way. And there’s so much good young
talent coming up, but in my opinion, there needs to be more of a mix. There are
too many people just blasting around and not enough trying to do switch flips
into things.
But something I don’t like is these kids who see
themselves as “vert skaters” but all they do is go out there and spin around.
Spin and spin and spin. I’d love to see a kid just skate vert in a more regular
way, not feeling like that they have to do a 900 with every move. But with the
way the media makes such a big deal about another 180 being added on… I can’t
blame them. Who cares.
All good points, for sure. But going back a bit, I remember when you and Casey were the tiny dudes out there. How did all that even go down for some little kids from Canada?
I got on Powell basically by hanging around the Richmond
Skate Ranch as a kid. Kevin Harris, who was a freestyler on Powell, provided
an indoor park for Vancouver and he was the one who originally started hooking
us up. Then one night while I was
skating there by myself, Tommy Guerrero and Bryce Kanights walk through the
door. I skated with those guys a bit and literally through that night, Powell started
sending me boxes. I must’ve been 11 years old.
Your proper introduction
to the skate world came through a mini-segment in Public Domain at the Harris
Skate Ranch. Were you intimidated at all back then with the filming process? Those
Powell videos were the biggest things in skateboarding at the time.
I was absolutely intimidated by the filming process. We grew
up on Powell videos so it was a really big deal. And with Stacy, it wasn’t just
like some kid with a camera, there was a full-on production going down.
But was that always the process when filming with Stacy? I always thought your Propaganda part was
super good but it only looked like you maybe filmed two days… Powell Magic? I know that
could’ve just been repeating outfits but videos were definitely getting a bit
more elaborate in scope by that time.
There was a slight change in the process over the years but
that was pretty much how we did it. I remember Ban This being very similar to
Public Domain but without Stacy. They sent a couple guys up to film for a
few days and I remember trying to get some shit when one of them, this weird
older dude, tried to break it down to me. “No Colin, you must try what you will
be doing 5 years from now… 10 years from now.” (laughs)
What does that even fucking mean? Why don’t you show me what
that is!
But yeah, there was a real disconnect for that one but by the time
Propaganda hit, it was as much Powell filmers as it was homies with the camera.
By that time, you’d film a month at max... though I usually only went 2 weeks just
because I was up in Canada.
Do you still get
dudes asking about switchstance dogsleds and eskimo pies? And where did
the idea to end that part with you in the aluminum foil craze come from?
I’ve gotten that switchstance dogsled revert thing for the
last 20 fucking years. (laughs)
But with the foil, the Skate Ranch was located in this heavy
industrial area. We were outside one night when we happened to find literally thousands
of these little suits in a company’s dumpster right behind the park. So we
ended up taking just hundreds of them… all so we could do shit in them to be
funny. They were these full-on industrial haz-mat suits. So I decided to throw
one on and skate around in it for the video because I thought it would be
funny. That wasn’t Powell or anything, just us being young.
We used always put those things on to mess
with people. I remember our whole crew throwing them on before getting on the
bus for the hour-long ride home from the park. Imagine getting on a bus and
there’s all these little 13-year-old boys wearing spacesuits! People
were wondering what the hell was going on!
How did Plan B enter
the picture?
Plan B happened for a few reasons. Rick Howard was my skate
buddy growing up in Vancouver and Danny was my hero. But the way that it all
went down was straight out of a World Industries ad. I was at the Regionals of
the NSA Am Series that year when the Plan B team showed up. Somehow, I ended up
winning the contest and Mike and Danny grab me to go play miniature golf. Just
like that. And I hate to say it but I bounced on the Powell guys. Just
like Richard Mulder driving off in the Porsche!
Was there any fall-out
from Powell afterwards? And I seem to remember a rumor of you switching over to
the Firm before all that went down… was that ever an option?
The thing was, here I was only 14-years-old and Powell is
already drawing me graphics and trying to turn me pro. It didn’t feel
right to me. I didn’t want to be 14 and skating against John Gibson and Jeff
Phillips. I wasn’t ready for all that.
I did fly down and stay with Lance for a bit though when I first
started thinking about stuff. Jason Lee also hit me up around this time to ride
for Blind… which was the probably the biggest thing that could ever happened to
a kid like me. But at the end of the day, between Rick and Danny, there was no
better fit for me than Plan B. I was always skating with Rick whenever he was
in town and Danny, my absolute idol, was also on there. It only made sense to
get on Plan B.
Questionable remains
one of those sacred-type of videos for an entire generation and your part was
definitely among its highlights. I imagine filming for that was already in progress
when you got on, right?
Yeah, filming was in progress. I filmed for about 3 months
on that one. And it’s funny because when you’re a kid, 3 months is good. Like
if someone came up to me right now and told me that I had 3 months to film, I
might get 3 tricks. But when you’re a kid and you don’t ever film, you have so
much shit that’s ready to go. You’re just dying to get out there…too bad
I’ve been fucking filming for 20-years straight now.
But honestly, I wasn’t that psyched on my Questionable part.
I was much more psyched on Virtual Reality, that part was more me. Out skating
with the homies in the streets all day, filming. That was more true to what we
were doing at the time. I was so little during Questionable that people would basically tell me things to do and I’d do them.
Speaking of being
out in the streets with the homies, I always wondered what was going on in that
Virtual Reality clip where the Red Dragons are going after that dude with the
drill? So crazy…
Oh yeah, and they’re playing that quote from a Hell’s Angels
movie. That was this Chinese dude who was trying to put up “No Skateboarding”
signs at the New Spot and it turned into a melee. I’m sure we were at fault or
caused it somehow. But yeah, the guy had a drill and was acting like he was
going to try and drill one of the homies. We decided we didn’t like that. Just
typical shit for a crew back then. When you’re 20-deep in the streets with a
bunch of 17-year-olds, shit’s bound to happen.
You’d later ride for Girl but were you ever approached to be an original rider? Did you have any idea about their plan to leave?
No, I didn’t know anything about it. And it was a weird
thing because as good of friends as I was with Rick, I was back in Vancouver
when those guys were going through all of that. It wasn’t anything personal but
I remember finding out about it from some kid at the Back to the City Contest.
I was at Wallenberg skating when somebody came up and said, “Have you heard?
Everyone quit Plan B!”
I’m just standing there like, “They did?”
But I didn’t really care. Not in a bad way, I just respected
their decision. If you want to do something else, do something else. It's that simple. But who
you ride for is such a big deal when you’re a kid, it’s all gets very emotional.
I think those guys worked themselves up into thinking they were being ripped
off and that they had to fire back. In hindsight, I don’t think any of it
really went that way. I don’t think anybody was really trying to screw anyone else
over. Whether it was Rocco or Ternasky or Rick Howard, I don’t think it was
really like that.
How was it riding for
Plan B, post-Girl? It seemed like the remaining members got much closer after
Mike’s passing but I know you and Danny also took on a lot more as owners…
It was a great experience but at the same time, when those
guys quit Plan B and with Mike’s passing, we probably should’ve closed the
doors right there. That would’ve probably been the best thing. But we all felt
we had to be loyal to this thing, especially after Mike passed. We just
weren’t ready for that. Mike’s wife is a hairdresser. She had no idea how to
run a skateboard company. When she asked Danny and I if we wanted it, we were
barely in our twenties. Of course, we said yes but we didn’t have a clue on how
to run it either. If I could go back, I’d just say fuck no and go ride for
So it wasn’t weird going
over to Girl after being entrenched at Plan B for all those years, trying to
weather the storm?
Not at all. Actually it was the exact opposite, it was more
like a homecoming. Plus, I didn’t have to deal with graphics and distribution
and trying to get everyone paid. It was all just such a relief.
When we finally made the decision that Plan B was no longer
doing anybody any good, I honestly didn’t know where I was going to go. But
when Rick asked me if I wanted to ride for Girl, it felt like the most natural
thing to do. To get back on the team with my homies. It was all good.
But you didn’t really
stay on there for all that long. I’ve always heard rumors as to why you left,
everything from being the only vert guy to talk of discomfort with DC. Care to
Honestly, there’s definitely been periods where I’ve regretted
leaving Girl. It’s such a rad company and those guys really embraced me during
my time there. I was proud to be on Girl and I think they felt proud to have me
on there, too. It really worked out well for everybody.
The reason I left was because of DC. Obviously, Danny and I
are super tight with DC after helping start the company with Ken. Rick and
those guys were actually on DC for a bit back then but had decided that they
were going to run their own shoe company and left. And that was cool. All good.
If you want to leave a sponsor, leave. I don’t understand people getting all
that upset when someone else doesn’t want to be on their company. If you don’t
want to ride for whatever, don’t ride for them. There are so many bigger things
going on in life than riding for a silly little company…
I’m not trying to talk shit or anything but they did
approach me to ride for Lakai early on. But DC has always been good to me and
I’m thankful and proud to be a part of that legacy… so leaving just wasn’t going
to happen. And unfortunately, there was animosity there between those guys. So
I essentially found myself being caught in-between two groups of friends.
People were talking shit and I was basically in the middle, which is never
So when Dyrdek called to tell me about a new company he was
starting, I was interested. It wasn’t like I was saying, “I’m quitting Girl.
Fuck those guys.” It couldn’t have been more of the opposite. I felt terrible about
leaving but I wanted to take myself out of an uncomfortable situation. Seek was
gonna be me, Kalis, Dyrdek and Stevie Williams and that sounded fucking rad.
What happened
with Seek? It should’ve gone over like gangbusters but never seemed to
hit its stride. I know Stevie never even got on…
Well, I’ll tell you exactly what went wrong with it and it all
started with Stevie and I orchestrating with Rob of how we were both going to
leave, Stevie leaving Chocolate and I leaving Girl. We were gonna get together
with Rob and Kalis and we were gonna do this Seek thing. The four of us
together, at the time, that was enough to be a solid thing.
But how it all went down was a different story. I can
actually remember the exact moment they told me that Stevie had decided to stay
on Chocolate. I couldn’t believe it. And I had just talked to him. I had
already quit Girl… there was no way he was staying on Chocolate. So I called
him up to see what was going on, and he just goes, “Oh yeah… my bad, homie. I’m
staying on Chocolate.”
My jaw was on the fucking floor. And I love Stevie…
but at the time, I was so pissed. I had just quit the best company in
all of skateboarding because you were supposed to be quitting as well to start
this thing and now you’re telling me, “My bad, homie”?
If there was ever a point where the company went to shit, it
was that moment there. With the four of us, it was perfect. But it had to be
all four or it wasn’t going to work. And nobody could fill Stevie’s role
back then.
Honestly, I never liked Seek. I never liked a single thing
about it. I hated every graphic I ever had… it just sucked. And the entire
time, I totally regretted quitting Girl for that bullshit.
So who was the one to initially throw out the idea of bringing back Plan B? I know there were some initial difficulties getting it going…
Well, you can imagine how bad Dyrdek felt after all that. He’s
one of my best friends and the guy had done this whole industry song-and dance
to get me to quit Girl for his new company which ended up being a disaster.
Seek barely lasted a year. We would even laugh about it
sometimes… like, “Hey Rob, thanks for getting me to quit Girl. Good lookin’
out!” (laughs)
The plan after Seek was to absorb us all onto Alien
Workshop. Even though I’ve never been one to get on just any company, at
that point in my career, it wasn’t a given that I’d be able to hop on any
team I wanted. I was on my third shoulder surgery and I honestly didn’t know
how long I’d be able to skate.
What ended up happening was that a couple of the Alien guys
didn’t want me on the team. Not that I blame them, to be honest. They already
had Danny Way for fuck’s sake, they really didn’t need another vert skater. So
I was actually sponsorless for a little while there and that was when all these
rumors started flying around that we were starting Plan B. Chet Thomas calls me
up out of nowhere to see if it was true… and I knew what that meant because
that’s how the World Industries guys operate. They send their hitmen to do
their dirty work. So I remember telling him that we wanted a million dollars for
Danny and I to do Plan B. Write us a check and we’ll start getting the team
together… which is actually super-cocky and hilarious because not only did the
company not even exist, I wasn’t even sure if I actually owned it to sell.
We started meeting with the dudes from Globe to try and make
it happen. Things are looking promising so we begin talking to a few riders in
order to see if we could actually get who we wanted on the team… and fuck, due
to whatever reason, it seemed like it was going to be pretty easy. Incredibly
good timing on all fronts.
But this is where the trouble starts. You know whenever
people think of young athletes or hip-hop groups getting taken advantage of by
gnarly big businessmen, where they essentially sign their lives away… well, this
was it. I still have this contract that World Industries tried to give us for
Plan B and honestly, it is straight-up fucking evil. Countless conditions that
were just insane on top of the shadiest wording you’ve ever seen. There was
actually a condition where if we hit so many sales, Danny and I would receive,
in quotes, a “super bonus”. I shit you not, a “super bonus”! Granted, we didn’t
know much about things when we took over Plan B back in the day, but we’d learned
enough over the years. Danny and I were actually pissing ourselves reading this
thing. It was so fucked. They wanted all of Plan B for only 50 grand up front.
That was it. And with the wording specified, if I were to get hurt the next
month, that was it. They could kick me off. Plan B wasn’t ours anymore. So
essentially what it boiled down to was giving us 50 grand for the company and
then kicking us so they could blow it out in Wal-Mart if need be… No fucking
The funny shit was, Dyrdek had a deal going with Syndrome
because of Silver Trucks… I’m gonna air this whole shit out right now. I hope
Dyrdek sees this and we have a good laugh about it. But yeah, he’s at Syndrome
and starts telling them about Plan B and how he could maybe start a
conversation going between us… nevermind that he still skates for Alien
Workshop (laughs). And the best yet, all he wanted in exchange for doing this
was a Chanel Watch! (laughs) Rob’s the best.
So Syndrome buys Rob this watch and starts calling,
basically offering the whole moon and sky. An amazing offer we couldn’t really
refuse so we agreed to give it a shot.
And I want to elaborate that this is not Steve Douglas or
Bod Boyle. Those two are stand-up straightshooters and I have nothing but love
for them. This isn't about them. But Globe, on the other hand… the second we told those guys about us
going to Syndrome, within the hour, they went and tried to trademark “Plan B”
in the U.S. and Australia just to cockblock us. I can’t even fathom grown men
doing something like that, especially one skater to another. Unbelievable.
We were able to secure the trademark in the U.S. in time but
they did get Plan B in Australia, which became this whole big thing. We ended
up having to do interviews for that Rocco documentary in trade for the rights.
It was insane.
So shady, man. But moving on, you probably know what question is coming up next and of course I’m going to ask it: when is the Plan B full-length going to drop?
June 1st…. just kidding. (laughs)
It’ll drop whenever it drops… whenever it’s ready. It’s
tough being on a company like Plan B with the heritage that it has. And the
thing is, we’ve never even announced a name for the new video yet and there’s
all these people coming up with names for it already. “No Future” and
“Unquestionable”… I don’t even know what they’re talking about.
But yeah, we’re working on it. We’ve only been truly focused
on it for maybe a year now. It’s been a little more difficult this time because
everyone's schedules are so busy. We can’t simply all be together filming.
Our team isn’t that way. We don’t all live very close to each other so we
really have to plan to come together.
But yes, I hate talking dates but the video is absolutely
going to happen this year. I’m pretty damn sure.
Is Danny Way once
again planning something crazy for this thing?
Danny’s actually planning on switching it up for this one
and is currently out training with Daniel Gezmer as we speak somewhere in Santa
D-Way signature
tu-tus… sick. How’s your part coming along?
Honestly, if I have a part in this video, it will have been
the hardest part I’ve ever filmed just because my life is so different now. I
have to deal with so much company-type shit these days. But basically what I’m
doing in order to get my part done is a trip to Hawaii next Tuesday to stay
with Danny for a month. We’re gonna lockdown and skate that ramp of his. With
all these distractions, it’ll be good just to focus on skating.
But I’ve honestly been flip-flopping back and forth on this part
though. Part of me feels that it’s time to let the stars on the team do their
thing. Maybe I don’t need a part… but at the same time, the other side of me
really wants to go at it again. I’ve been filming the whole time
but I’m just not sure if I’m good enough to do the tricks that I want to do.
Unless I can skate as good as I want to, that’ll be the only way I’ll do it.
We’ll see.
From weathering Sheckler’s critics to the rise of J Casanova, what’s been the most challenging aspect of the Plan B resurrection for you?
That’s a good question.
As far as Sheckler goes, I’ve known him since he was
5-years-old. No joke. And he is one of the nicest, realest kids I know.
Just a genuine dude. And I think his skateboarding abilities speak for
themselves. I think we actually put him on at the absolute height of people
hating on him and watching him deal firsthand with some of the gnarliest
things that people throw at him… I would’ve reacted a whole lot worse. But he
just laughs it off. Such a solid dude.
And Jereme… fuck, man. All I can really say is that I could
never have the balls to do what he has done. I can only respect how much
courage it would take to do everything that he has done over the years.
I will never forget the day he came to my house. I actually wanted
to talk to him about some things anyway, like why he hadn’t skated in 6 months.
But I’ll never forget this, we sit down at this table and he says, “Look, I
know what you want to talk to me about. But as of June 1st, I am
retiring from professional skateboarding.”
I knew why. All I could do is hold out my hand and tell him
that I respected him for being upfront and honest. I wished him nothing but the
best of luck. To this day, he’s still a good friend and someone I have a lot of
respect for. And I think that it’s unanimous with everyone on the team that
they really miss having him on the road because he’s just so fucking funny.
But yeah, as far as the hardest part of the entire Plan B
process… the stuff that people see regarding the team and everything, that's all easy.
It’s the behind-the-scenes business side that’s hard. I hate being the business
dude and making those tough decisions. Its not fun and you hate having to
mix that stuff in with something you love and cherish. Luckily, the Plan B team
is so tight. It really is like family.
One last thing before
we go: Nollie nose manual 180 on a picnic table through the grass. How did this
magical ’94 sequence come about? Is that thing even real?
Well, I will confirm that it's fake. It’s totally fake.
That’s a full-size picnic table… not a schoolyard picnic one but full-size and
I’m nollieing off of grass. Are you kidding me?
The funniest thing about that was when we sent it to
Transworld, nobody could say for sure if it was real or not. That’s largely
because of that old dude walking in the background, which is probably the best
thing about it. This “sequence” probably took about 15 minutes to shoot… posing
each one of the sequence shots… but it really did take that guy 15 minutes to
walk 50 feet. So luckily, he’s perfectly in-step with the timing had it been a
sequence. But yeah, that was just Jody Morris and I absolutely bullshitting.
We can finally put
that to rest. Alright Colin, that’s all I have. Anything you’d like to add?
Not really, just watch out for all those super bonuses out
there everybody.
special thanks to robert brink and colin for taking the time.
r.i.p. jeff hanneman
I Heart Slayer
the chrome ball incident will return May 13th.
special thanks to robert brink and colin for taking the time.
r.i.p. jeff hanneman
I Heart Slayer
the chrome ball incident will return May 13th.
Yeah whatever happened to Darrell Stanton? and to Brian Wenning?
ReplyDeleteI'd love to have Colin's opinion on those two dudes.
But it was a good straight-up truth interview right there. We basically took a glimpse at the 'dark side' business of the industry.
One my favorite interviews to date.
ReplyDeleteI loved this.
ReplyDeleteThe interviews just keep getting better.
ReplyDeleteColin kept it real. I appreciate the truthfulness. Definitely a dark side to the industry.
All his nollie and switch flip tricks without grabs used to get me so hyped up. I just couldn't fathom how he pulled some of those tricks.
Thanks, Chops and Colin.
radness once again...another reason why this is my first internet stop of the day...that kickflip into that roll in tripped me out back when i first saw it and stands the test of skateboarding time...on a sad note we lost a member of slayer and their music fully influenced my youth and charged many good sessions for me and many others i imagine...maybe you could do a slayer tribute with the people who have skated to slayer, wearing shirts etc...that would be pretty sick to have slayer on your sidebar with so many other legends...just a thought...hell "no longer" awaitsxxo
ReplyDeleteThat fight in Virtual Reality is gnarly as hell! I always wondered what the story was behind that. Seriously, a DRILL, can u imagine the consequences? gruesome. I just recently looked through that magazine with the grass nollie nose manual and it still tripped me out after all these years. Damn trickery... Good interview and good site. Keep doin what you're doin, thanks.
ReplyDeletePossible for a Skip Pronier post in the future?
Great interview Chops. Colin, we need to see a part! (I know, easier said than done). .
ReplyDeletedamn! it's forty ounce friday and i couldn't think of anything better than this. people seem to forget that he was one of the original all terrain rippers. taking ledge tricks to vert always blew me away...i am also stoked on how he called out how dark and evil the "industry" can be. these interviews are the best. can you get one with gershon mosley? cuz i have heard conflicting stories of how he got the boot outta the game by beating up some industry dude.
ReplyDeleteGeat interview. Always thought Colin was a bit of a skate jock, no doubt super talented but sways seemed a bit of a brat. But as he says that's being an 18 year old. But he seems like a humble guy who has seen it all. New appreciation for him.
ReplyDeleteLike his honesty about the industry without being a bitch about things; considered and thoughtful responses. Great interview.
ReplyDeleteAs ever, another great post and the reason why this site is top of my useless wooden toys bookmarks.
Cheers, Dean
straight up best Chrome Ball interview yet.
ReplyDeleteIt would be impossible to count the number of times I watched Virtual Reality back in the day. I used to be so bummed I didn't live it Vancouver.
Thats what this site is all about. Well done. Somebody should through Chops a fuckin blow-out
colin had DWAY for hero, me and my best friend had COLIN and DWAY for heros. those parts in questionnable and virtual where they bang street and vert were insane.
ReplyDeleteone of the best interview i ever read.
I love Colin McKay, he is my favorite and the most stylish vert skater ever, but why did he hated Seek graphics? they were really amazing imo.
ReplyDeleteAgreed with everyone else so far, this was a great fucking read. Wasn't ever a big Colin McKay fan...he always seemed like an unfunny meathead to me. But he gave some pretty honest and thoughtful responses to some great questions. Killer job on this interview.
ReplyDeleteLots of great behind the scene stories about Plan B, Girl, DC and Seek.
ReplyDeleteIt's nice to have cbi as an outlet where interviews can be presented more freely and less censored than the mags.
Colin McKay is one of the all time greats and this interview is bolts!
ReplyDeleteRDS FSU 2002 is probably my favorite part by him.
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteThanks guys. Glad you enjoyed this one. Easily one of the most enjoyable interviews I've conducted so far.
ReplyDeleteColin...I grew up on you in the Powell and Plan B videos....Im almost 40, that interview was the realest shit! Dyrdek is a maniac lol...I hope the Plan B video drops soon man.
ReplyDeleteMet Colin in Mpls and he is the truth! Great read and agree about the no-censorship appreciation:)
ReplyDeleteI've waited to respond to this interview. It was eye opening.
ReplyDeleteI remember how people really hated on planB and Girl. Especially how people had specific camps and sides they chose all because someone said this is how it went.
I stopped buying planB boards and haven't since. And I only bought Girl's Carroll board for the last 10 years. It's the only shape for me. But i stopped buying another brand because of rumors.
Notice who is in the background of these skater born companies. Big business. They are sucking skateboarding dry.
Perfect example is Anthony Pappalardo (
and his experience with CONS. He stated what happened. After reading Colin's interview I believe this is true how big companies are sucking skateboarding dry.
Colin Thanks for saying something! I know we aren't supposed to talk about what happens behind business doors, but Thanks for enlightening all of us. I got no issues with planb and love the new team.
Keep up the great work.
Awesome stuff as usual! I'm looking for this pic of Colin where he throws a method transfer in between two wooden bowls in Holland. I'm fairly sure it was a centerfold in BigBrother somewhere around 2000-2001. Just worked my way through my sorry excuse for an archive and sure enough couldn't find it. Knowing it's a longshot I figured I'd try my luck over at the Chromeball Incident. Cheers & keep up the amazing work! Stan
ReplyDeleteno props for Stevie for that kind of betrayal
ReplyDeleteJust for the heads saying Colin was a jock or a meat head. Street skater from Vancouver here...not the case. Skateboarding just comes easy to him. He's that good. Maybe his crew had some hang arounds and dip shits riding his coat tails with attitude, but Colin was always chill.