
chrome ball incident #899: rb control

"It's good to see that street skating got pushed to the point where you can't film a part in three days."

Felt like a little Ray Barbee going into the weekend. Dude never fails to stoke me out.

Good luck, BA

Special Thanks to Deluxe once again.

Chrome Ball Incident #900 on Monday.

Good Gravy.


  1. You're right. Can't ever go wrong with a little Ray. Love they photo of him ollieing that little walkway gap up top.

    And I heard the rumor about Brian hooking up with Dill and AVE for that new company. If that's true...wow.

  2. only two comments on ray barbee?
    it's a shame.

    i always love his skating, dude's timeless.

    so sad there's no footage since the firm went down, but as long as he gets paid everything's allright.

  3. Public Domain changed everything for me.
