
chrome ball incident #876: sixty seconds

Continuing the Skate & Create theme, here is Transworld's beloved "A New York Minute" series that appeared in the mag during the late '90s.

Originally Ted Newsome's Gotham brainchild, it eventually expanded out to other cities filtered through the lens of such notables as Ben Colen, Seu Trinh, Pete Thompson and more.

For dudes stuck out in the middle of nowhere at the time (like myself), these articles struck a cord by offering that desperate type of escapism people in such a predicament enjoy.

Though not everybody seemed to be a fan:

And in other news, big thanks to Tim Olson for the amazing piece! So good.


  1. Rodney Anonymous Mellencamp, IIMarch 7, 2013 at 7:39 AM

    "the subway station stinks like pee-pee"

    My philosophy is, Whatever floats your boat. But I thought Big Brother's faux-Metropolitan Minute was funny.

  2. I wasn't really reading many magazines in those years. I'm not even sure I've ever seen one of these. Thanks!

  3. i remember all of these, and I still like to refer to myself as "Sir Dope Guy of Metropolis" because of Dimitry's spot-on parody. Sick post.

  4. I will second stephen's ponte at turtles comment. That spot was no joke, and an east coast classic. RIP. Vinnie always ripped.

  5. torres's flip is just magic

  6. dimitry:ted newsome::shawn powers:leo valls

    for those that still skate

  7. Hahaha, yeah, as soon as I saw that it's a NY Minute post I immediately thought of the BB spoof. Brilliant!
