
chrome ball incident #863: dump truck

"Everytime I wear socks, I get hurt."

All-terrain tobacco terrorist, Dan Drehobl.

Love this.

Special Thanks to DLX and the 'Tap for their steadfast support of CBI over the years.

Be back on Thursday.


  1. He's a whittler, no big dealJanuary 28, 2013 at 7:36 PM

    Wow. That story about finding out he was off Foundation- that's a bad day.

  2. That ollie photo over the dirt into the bank...man! What a great snap.

  3. Corpsey rules! I love the Think cartoon ad. Classic.
    Bummer story about Foundation but seriously.....can ANYONE picture HIM on Foundation????

  4. Damn it, Chops! Blew my load on the first photo of the post again. I don't know, there's just something about a blank, purple-stained football shape that does it every time (not to mention the dude riding it). No homo.

  5. Man o man, that Frontside Invert, and that Noseblunt! Corpsey in Vans is a good look. Classic.

  6. Happy Fun Kitty Star Boo BooJanuary 30, 2013 at 3:25 PM

    I think unsponsored amateurs can't be choosers. And it was before Foundation became the handrail company.

  7. lol

    getting kicked off in an ad. Harsh. So much weird team change shenanigans back then.

  8. Holy shit! His pro model with the dogs was my very first, a hand me down from my brother when he quit--I have scoured the internet up and down for an image of it. So Awesome!
