
chrome ball incident #860: grrrrrrrrr........

All-Terrain Mongoloid Nomadic Ripper Searching For That Special Someone. Likes: Acid Drops, Shitty Truck Sponsors, Making Animal Noises, Life's a Beach Clothing. Dislikes: Hair, Taking Baths. Answers to "Mr. Hate". Call (412) 432-7007. No Fatties.


  1. I bet he broke like 8 billion of those G&S trucks. Also, the captcha below is a fucking curbcut with an address on it, amazing!

  2. One of the Alva Posse rocking copers!
    HA HA!
    And who knew G&S ever made trucks,right?
    With a '187,000 tensile strength'!

  3. dude pushed mongo too, prob the only pro i can think of that did, he still ripped, just looks weird when you see old contest footy of him

  4. Footage! I can hear the song...someone needs to post up the soundtrack to that video, epic!

  5. Randy (Colvin) also pushed mongo.

    Bill came to my home town in England and told me and my brother that a board has never lasted him longer than a day and that he needed a new set of wheels for every trick. I was 11 and petrified. Amazing.

  6. Skateboarding was made for guys like this... what a badass!

  7. Chops.. as always; never a let down.

    We we were kids, we thought Danforth didn't deserve "PRO" status. He was like a "munson" from kingpin.

    That last Pic, who else seen the BBC little boy tattoo... I hope he still has that, and didnt cover it up.

    new respect now that I am old.

  8. Vanilla Ice Super FanJanuary 24, 2013 at 9:24 AM

    I just spent like, thirty minutes looking for that "Grrr". It's in Hokus Pokus, part 3 of 7, around the 7 minute mark. Backside wall ride to growl. http://m.youtube.com/#/watch?feature=relmfu&v=D-y7OWZDhT8

  9. damn! The nomad on CBI. I thought this was only Vert is Dead material.

    Mongo! Even Natas pushed mongo when he started skating.

  10. Every early 90's street rat pushed mongo when switch hit the scene. Even Koston looked like a weeble-wobble from time to time. Maybe ol' Bill was always skating switch?!

  11. I'm always stoked to see the comments with each post. There are non-hating informed dudes adding quality posts. Thanks to VanIce for the hokus pokus reference!!! Brought back the Danforth memories. That was the board to have for AWHILE. I still remember this nerdy kid with a Alva Dagger board. He got asked to sell it by everyone. haha. He never did. Wonder where that kid is now.

  12. one more thing, as a young guy back in the day, I always that it was called mongrel pushing..fitting though

  13. The 6th image down he looks like S.O.A era Rollins.

  14. I was always scared to hell of this guy when I was a kid. None of the other Alva guys phased me but Danforth made me feel like I'd get my ass kicked if I was around being a nerd.
    That said, he was the guy I liked the most from the posse. He just had a different style. Hardcore.

  15. roskopp, danforth,and dressen pushed mongo. not gunna lie i am guilty too. but i am glad i did to, glad i changed my ways. cuz pushin switch is nothing these days. any ways, do you think that they will address eric d's mongoness in the epicly later's?...its 40 ounce friday and late. mumbling now. danforth had the best bonlesses to blunts.

  16. I have been into skating since 1986 so I well remember G&S trucks, they were garbage and worse than Trackers with the plastic baseplates. Which says a lot! I was always confused back then why someone like Danforth rode G&S's since he is such a "core" guy. They must've paid him a lot to ride them. Like he must have gotten paid to do this cheesy instructional video in 1987 called "Street Survival" that is HI-LARIOUS, especially his voice-overs. This Skim The Fat review is too nice:


    You are missing a few key pics of Danforth- one that sticks out to me is from like the January or February 1988 issue of Thrasher doing a pull-in blunt to fakie in a backyard pool- raw! Also, a 15 or 16 year-old Bill Danforth was involved in the early, classic Midwestern hardcore scene in Detroit circa 1981-82 and is doing a gnarly stage dive on the cover of a 2010 book called "Why Be Something You're Not"- another great pic:


    Various interviews with him about the Detroit scene are featured throughout the book too.

    Check out the Savannah Slamma video for footage of Danforth doing the 7 or 8-foot acid drop off the top of the quarterpipe.

  17. Whoops! Thanks for correcting me- the big acid drop was from The Ohio Skateout not Savannah Slamma. My bad, I'll blame it on middle age.

    One more Danforth thing- there was a raw hardcore band from Michigan called Violent Ramp (great name) whose "Grind The Pigs" EP from 2001 had a song about Bill Danforth. They sample the Ohio Skateout intro for Bill:


    or here:


  18. Yes Danforth and Colvin were full time mongo pushers but did you know Eric Dressen was part time mongo?
    In fact I saw a contest run of his in an old video, I forget if it's Duel At Diablo or what the fuck I can't remember but I do recall him pushing both mongo and regular in the same contest run!
    Only guy I have ever seen do that.

    Also, Danforth rules, king of the bone-up and always so hostile looking, love that shit.

  19. Guilty myself of mongo pushing ! Now that I'm close to 40 I'm trying to push normal when at the skate parks so the youngins stop laughing
