
chrome ball incident #852: isolation

a man of few words and fewer clips, i miss anthony pappalardo.

let's hope these rumors of new coverage become reality... possibly today, even. 

...and that nollie is ridiculous.



  1. DAMN! I used to love this guy skating in his AWS days...he was sorta like a more technical\skilled Bobby Pulleo ( sorry Bobby, I love your skating! ), but then he ruined it, and he looks like the singer from Minor Threat now...

  2. Never understood the craze for this dude.

  3. Where is that shiny sculpture with the balls that he's bs flipping over? Looks sick.

    bs nollie over that rail into the bank seem super sketchy. Nice execution.

    Alien Popps was so awesome. wtf happened? No more Converse, no Pretty Sweet. Just disappeared.

  4. It's crazy how Wenning and him came up together and made it to the best teams and all that. Now both of them kinda dissappeared. We all know about the Wenning drama, but what did really happen to Pops?

  5. I'm just a fan ever since he was, indeed, following that sort of "Minor Threat"/tattoos/raw stuff routine ( cheers SameOne ! ). Hope he's doing good.

  6. the more confusing his deal gets, the more I like him. skateboarding needs riddles. that fs shuv...

  7. Was hoping for him to come up with a Puleo style Pretty Sweet part... Too bad he didn't.

  8. anybody know what happened to this dude? why did he change up his style so dramatically? it seemed like his part in fully flared he was taking it a little too easy, didnt it??...is he ok? i saw some interview with him and he seemed to be trying to distance himself from wenning...he seemed kinda snobby (wenning will always be rad in my eyes no matter how fat he gets)...shits like a fucking soap opera.

  9. I'm sorry, I like Pappalardo the person. But he hasn't done anything decent in years. Whatever footage he does put out (see Berrics Off the Grid) is terrible, and people fall over themselves praising it- "He's so hardcore!", "So raw and mysterious!"

  10. The bubble with the rocks between it is in Barcelona. I've been there and it is way harder to skate than it looks. An Ollie over the rocks is tough, a backside flip is nuts. I'll always be a fan of Pops, he is forever rad. I don't understand all the hate because he slowed down. Lesser skilled dudes get "legend" status, but this dude actually deserves it!

  11. For my generation (born in 1984) this guy was one of the few 'little kid' skaters in the mid-to-late 1990s that had truly inspiring style.

    I remember instantly being a fan after photosynthesis came out.

    And then he only got better with 'Feedback' and 'Mosaic' - which to this day is one of the best parts ever put out (editing, music, skating).

    I hope he's doing good. Skateboarding is cool and its cool to be good at something. But there is more to life.

  12. I was there for the line at white steps in DC that was in his IE part. He was there with Danny Garcia and the TWS crew. He was so solid and consistent, amazing to watch. Nice guy too. Another time he was randomly at a party in DC with some dudes from SLAP and I got to chat with him again. He was just a really nice, laid back person. This was circa 2001.

  13. No speculation here, just happy to see two favorites, Gonz and Pops, in the same week.

  14. i was there that day too...pepe martinez was toying with sw back tail on the jersey barrier...he did that line really easy

  15. Big shame about not being in Pretty Sweet - we'll see some footy soon enough!

  16. I just watched his epicly later'd episode. Negative commentators should view it before leaving jabs at the dude...switch Ollie the love fountain...Pops should be able to do whatever the fuck he wants. Anyways, Chops, I'm heading to to LA for ten days. I'm going to skate the ash tray in Hunnigton for its historical value. I always wanted to ollie that rail. Merry Christmas dude. Thanks for keeping up the site. The post Pittsburgh posts have been top notch.

  17. To the dude that accused chops of romancing pops - No. That's why this blog is here, to highlight outliers that were/are overlooked. Call it what you want but Anthony still has fans. For real, I'm starting to think most of these online haters are industry insiders/dick riders. It takes a weak mind to notice clothes over merits.

  18. I was a fan during his Alien days. The Lakai part was a little lukewarm though. There's a few tricks in there, like the shuvut nosegrind shuvit out that are up to his old standards.
    If he's just over it, fine. It's a bit irritating though listening to some cellar door dork drooling over that awful off the grid. Yes, he can do wrong.

  19. He used to be awesome, now he looks like he barely has any board control. Its strange and sad.

  20. I was never a fan in the Alien days, I think I was too hung up on Tum Yeto and Deluxe dudes to really give the fresher dudes a fair shot.
    For me it was actually his Fully Flared part (and Epicly Later'd) that got me stoked. I'm a woodworker as well and I admire his desire for privacy. Cool style, and looking back his Alien parts are killer.
    I'd be happy to see something new, but he's got a pretty good arsenal of parts under his belt.

  21. ive always been a huge pops fan up until this year, he looks weak, maybe some sort of rehab will help him, his epically laterd makes him look like a bitter old man, he needs to re unite with wenning, put a smile on his face, realise that he can do all that tech shit, and turn his shit around. i hope he pulls through sometime in the future, because he really is the shit.

  22. I'd rather a skater who changes it up than one that's stagnant and boring. And as far as the hate on this "mysterious" thing... just because the dude isn't spewing every banal moment of his life via social media outlets doesn't mean he's intentionally cultivating some private figure type. As for Wenning, from what I saw in the LATER'D episode and read in interviews, he's the washed up and bitter one. Wenning is talented, granted, but the dude hasn't progressed or thought out of the box maybe EVER. Skateboarding is equal parts skill and creativity, and he sorely lacks the latter. His parts are all the same caliber with the unimaginative, orthodox approach to tricks at overused spots. Pops put in his work in that niche of skating, and understandably tired of it after 2-3 parts. Let the man skate and evolve.

  23. I will always back pops. These photos are killer.

  24. I think a lot of it is a question of the past vs. the present. Some people say, "He did such and such way back when. I don't understand the hate." Some people say, "This guy does nothing in skateboarding now. I don't understand the love."

  25. http://site.48blocks.com/anthony-pappalardo
