
chrome ball incident #727: polo 1992

"I don't think it had anything to do with cutting-edge skateboarding. I think it had more to do with the way we were presented in skateboarding. It wasn't like we were inventing tricks but the stuff we put out was quality and it was genuine."

Figured this was in order today... and if you haven't checked this out yet, do so now. Stoked.

Congrats to O'Dell, Grosso and the entire Epicly Later'd crew on another amazing job.

Special thanks to my man Zach, too.

Looking like next week's posts will be strictly amateurs.



  1. Strictly amateur, will harmon please

  2. Strictly ams - Sam Devlin, the lost World Ind. child. Please.

  3. digging the menace episode. shedding light where previously there was none. thank you.

  4. Loved me some Menace.

  5. Great episode. I just wonder why Kareem wasn't willing to be involved. I see that he is involved in City Stars and Axion, but why did he dissapear out of the spotlight some time ago? Was he hurt or something? Anyone knows the story?

  6. this stuff is OK if you turn the sound off during the video parts. just as obnoxious as the Piss Drunx/Greco stuff from yesterday.

  7. Holy shit I forgot about him on SMA!! Used to love that one part he had from back then...just tried to find it on youtube, to no avail...but it did shoot me to an ad for Timberlands, so I guess youtube really GETS IT.

  8. here you go, found it on skate.ly


  9. Interesting how everyone kind of danced around the Kareem-related questions. Soc says "I don't want to put words in his mouth [but Reem squashed the full-length vid]" A few of the other dudes kept saying "you'll have to ask kareem that." Maybe some underlying beef?

    I really liked Suriel's quote though. I think it summed up things quite well and it's cool that they realize they weren't the best, but rather were just raw dudes doing their thing.

  10. Kareem the world wants to know!!!

  11. Re: Kareem

    The dude had a lot going on in the mid to late 1990s. First returning to World (after a stint on Blue), the success of Menace/All City/City Stars and Axion. Don't even front like the Axion KCKs or Marianos weren't the shit. But all the legal issues with Menace's name, Dwindle Distribution's decision to sell World, all the drama with Axion was probably a contributing factory in Kareem laying low. Also according to this interview 'Reem was living in Dalls...effing DALLAS. http://skateboarding.transworld.net/1000092241/features/profilin-with-neftalie-featuring-kareem-campbell/

    Re: the Menace Epicly Later'd. I'm looking forward to the rest. I remember reading on 48 Blocks that those boys were skating in serious gang territory and were the only ones who never got messed with.

    The influence of Menace and all the ghetto fabulous cats from World and Blind can't be understated. Us kids in the suburbs are impressionable as hell. Growing up in the NY suburbs and turning on 20 Shot Sequence and Trilogy and hearing Wu-Tang, Jay-Z, Keith Murray, etc was dope as hell. We had an even split, the hessian skaters (all the metal kids from the other high school) and us wanna-be hip hop dudes. Ecko Unlimited tear off cargos, Axions, sidewards hats, Knicks Jerseys, you know it.

  12. i second the request for a sam devlin post ! i remember being at slam city jam when suriel and vallely were getting into it and watching it go down , oh the good old days ..... slam city jam wekends were always a good time

  13. Next weeks interview is a doozy!

    I, too, like Suriel's quote. Bang on.

    That one shot entitled joeynheeltailchrome.jpg... not sure how that is a tail slide. He's goofy and it looks like nollie heel nose slide. Not sure if it's fs or bs though. I would guess fs.

  14. didnt mike v smack these guys up at a contest in vancouver? not one of them stood up to take him on.

  15. Mike Vallely got in a fight with Joey Suriel - check it out:


  16. Wrong link - sorry,


  17. There was no fight, just a bunch of "close talking" and basically standing in each others' personal space. Sound gay? It was.

    They kept it up for awhile, and kinda roved around the course. Most of it was right in front of me. That 411 clip only caught the tail end of it.

    The funniest part was Sheffey getting between them... he held Suriel back with his arm, but stared at the ground the hole time. Was like he didn't want to acknowledge Vallely. Don't know why I remember that to this day.

    Both dudes were equal goofs in my 18 year-old (at the time) eyes, though at least Mike made some ticks. I don't think I saw Joey land a single trick. Since then, Vallely has emerged on top of the goof pile, of course.

  18. Fucking great post, as per.. I am not holding out for a Devlin post however, he ruined World for me. As for him wearing 101 T-shirts, don't even get me started on that.

  19. Got a chance to see Joey shred before the Menace days, 1992 on a visit to L.A. sessioning Los Feliz with some homies and this tall kid was ruling it, so much style and doing hard stuff consistently.
    I asked him if he was sponsored, he was like "no but I'm working on it", guess it worked out pretty good!
