
chrome ball incident #720: no dice

Figured Dill was a nice choice to get the weekend started.

...Straight up, it's so good to see this dude out there kicking ass.

And in other news, this one seems in order today:

Goddamn bees.


  1. 11:11 on 11/11. Dill is epic. A lot of that I haven't seen. Cheers.

    I'd love to get my hands on one of the 720 cabinets.

  2. dill has been killing it for some time now.

  3. We had 720 at an arcade here in Portland until about a year ago. I used to go in and play it for a long while. Best video game ever! I would MAKE space to have one of these in my house.

    SKATE OR DIE!!!!!!!!!

  4. They need to bring 720 back!

  5. Ugh that backside nollie flip over the bench was so, so damn sick.

    This guy, no matter what he says, does, or wears, is important to skateboarding. Thanks for starting the weekend off right, Chops.

  6. Late 90s is my favourite Dill epoch, back when he was a little more underrated compared to top names at the time. As Chip said, that backside nollie flip is ridiculous some 12-13 years late.

    Never understood why Supertour-era DC didn't bump him up from flow to full team, it seemed like in every photo he had back then he was wearing a DC shirt.

  7. Stoked on the Chip Van Ham presence. Perhaps he needs a little Chrome Ball treatment...

  8. bs nollie flip is amazing. Is there a bump there or is it off flat? Wu board?

    fs nose slide with the tan half cabs is a great shot. 101 era... or maybe even before?

    I'm pretty stoked to see him shredding in the spotlight.

  9. good fer dillbag. he is an icon, no doubt. hope he gets his teeth fixed. that bloody wall still creeps me out. 720? enh... never dug video games... not sure why. good week chops... if only it was dry fer 6 hours in a row...

  10. A long time ago I did some graphic work for a retail company that buys up old brands here in Canada (and then destroys them) - I was walking through the warehouse one day and noticed a few skids full of Vita shoes destined for the blender. I was able to sneak a few pairs out of there with the help of one of the warehouse guys who skated too. Dill's rad.

  11. always looked up to him but then getting to see how he's kinda become a bitter old man has turned me off he always seemed like he had this awesome vibe before like on Feedback [my favorite footage of him besides Photosynthesis] but then again I find out he was just drugged out of his mind skating and filming. Same with Photosynthesis so now I feel like I was looking up to some junkie or something. Whatever. His skating is awesome and his criticism is valid at points but he comes off as caring too much about "style" and what he perceives as "stylish" clothing and so forth. another turn off. I love his manual combos though. Man I'm torn.

  12. dill ain't bitter at all. he's pretty transparent and honest, but it's really matter of fact, take it or leave it. there's a lot of bitter dorks out there, but dill isn't one of those guys. and he's ripping way hard these days.

  13. It's pretty wild how Chad Fernandez and Dill looked so much alike in the 90's.

  14. keith, it was a bump sort of. SD High. down a hill, then it went flat, then down the hill. so it kinda felt like a bump. wasn't that nollie bs kf a 411 opener? willy did some lines there in the end. but over a garbage can, not the bench. the whole girl team showed up there one time and I will forever have the image of carrol kickfliping that bench ingrained in my brain. it was beautiful.
