
chrome ball incident #714: roach meat

"Sometimes when I'm on the road with those Anti Hero guys, that's as close to outlaw living as it gets. And I remember seeing certain trips and just thanking God that I didn't skate for them because the trips looked so fucking gnarly. The drinking and all the other shit those guys get into... not caring about what anyone thinks. It's a pretty romantic idea. And I realize why  people are so attracted to it. It's so raw. Not to many get to live the life those guys get to live. Thank God Julien started Anti Hero." - Max

Julien's Train Trip for Skateboarder, 2002.

...and I'm gonna go on record here and say there are very few photos that stoke me out as much as that Morford flick of Julien's ollie in Louisville. Absolute perfection.

big up to deluxe.


  1. WORD. That big ollie is the best! Been up on the wall for more than a minute now. Thanks for posting all of these. To my mind no one (these days for sure) shows what skating is (or oughtta be) more than Anti-Hero. Just, super good, super hecka, super tight, perfect.

  2. The first time I went louisville was in 03. I rode in the back of a pickup truck with 4 bmx bikes (I was the only skater)and two other guys thru 3 states. I think there was 5 guys total. We stayed for a week and hard a blast, I even got to hang out with the one and only Bob Gnarly. On the last night one of the bikers called out "last run" on the same hip Julian is blasting off and proceeded to smash his face into the bottom. He broke multiple bones in his face and nasal area...bad ending to great trip. Anyways, Antihero is real

  3. the ollie is forever for sure. tony's stalefish is another. anti hero forever. sawjulien and frank ridin bikes once. too chicken to say somethin. now that i know how rare that sighting was... kinda bummed. but, pretty stoked that a company like them exists and jim and crew back it. matter a fact gotta new hewitt sittin in the quiver now... fuckn pretty rainy in van city now tho... might be starin at it fer a bit. anyway, thanks chops.. winter stoke has been re fueled.

  4. Anti-hero is what skateboarding is supposed to be.

  5. Julien's ollie is amazing. The waffle sole just adds to it. Amazing style.

  6. caption of trainstation photo "chicago one percenters."

    Maybe if the 1% looked a little more like that, people wouldn't be protesting haha!

  7. This guys part is fucking rad. Just watched 1/2 of it on thrasher and it's still loading. Thought I would share. He does a back tail shuv back tail on a curved ledge. Never saw that one.


    Eric - I'll be back Dec. 26 - 28. Let's kick it.

    Anti-hero post got me stoked. That pool peter likes looks so hard to skate.

  8. A bunch of julien footage


  9. One percenter has another meaning. In motorcycle lingo, it's a person in an outlaw gang- from the idea that 99% of motorcyclists are law abiding citizens.

  10. I went to a NikeSB demo years ago, of course they were running late, but outta nowhere Anti-Hero showed up and started skating the mini-pipe. I think only a handful of people in the place knew who they were and I don't think anyone knew they were coming. I was IN AWE. When NikeSB showed up and started skating Julien hung out and watched 'em. I actually had the guts that day to go up and introduce myself. He was real polite, shook my hand, all the fun stuff.

    Good human all around.

  11. Anti-Hero is the fucking best, as we all know. That Stranger compilation is all time. I spoke to him once too, he was really polite, sort of formal, but looked real haggard. He had a missing tooth. Pretty fucking rad for a company owner I thought. I went out skating in old schools, brown dickies and a blue shirt yesterday trying to channel some of his energy. I think a source of Julian footage that is often overlooked is in the bonus features of the thrasher DVD "Beers, Bowls and Barneys". It has loads of raw footage of an old hell ride trip through NZ roughly edited into parts. There is a Cardiel part, a Phelps part, Lee Ralph footage, an NZ ripper named Mark Hubbard and what could be called a forgotten Stranger part. He has a real big beard for most of it which is cool to.


  12. Hadn't seen that ollie before, but that is one sick photo...Stoked!
