
chrome ball incident #702: leaving las vegas

"I have love for everybody in this world... I'm sorry for my use of slang."

The Muska's significantly less-cringeworthy TMZ TWS spotlight from 1997.

An autobiography of sorts, this is Chad in his own words on the eve of launching the Shorty's juggernaut and becoming the most popular skateboarder in the world.

thanks to dlx and the 'tap for the links.


  1. Timeless shit. My first favorite pro.

  2. Dude has always killed it. He helped pioneer skating big stuff. Awesome post.

  3. I'm ok with the Muska(ok enough to refer to him as "the Muska" anyway.) He seems like the guy you might not see eye to eye with but he's still cool to hang out with.

    On another note, I miss Maple. I liked the whole thing they had going and I forget how many straight rippers rode for them. Hsu, Johnson, Muska, Knight and a bunch of others that I'm spacing on right now.

  4. Dude definitely ripped and made a huge mark on skateboarding. Like most polarizing figures, he's done some questionable things over the years, but he's always seemed like he had a good heart.

    Cool to read that TWS interview / narrative; somehow I missed it back in the day. Can't believe he was only 19.

  5. Actually Maple is still around. You just wont find it in a skateshop anymore. You can however find them at target.http://img2.targetimg2.com/wcsstore/TargetSAS//img/p/13/23/13230479.jpg

  6. That's an unusually gnarly backside tail for Muska.

    Was never a huge fan of this guy, but he had a huge impact on late 1990s skateboarding.

  7. I met Chad back in the day. Very down to earth, just a nice guy. He bought a bunch of alcohol for everyone at a party. Always respected his skating too..

  8. Muska seems like the guy you want at a session, hyping everyone and having fun. As for Maple, Kris Gurley you are definitely right. Maple housed some amazing skaters. Black Cat holds a warm spot in my memory

  9. Curved rail shot in Van looks great.

    Was never a fan of him in the Shorty days.

    I visited NY in Sept and I saw him skate by while I was waiting for my pizza at Lombardi's. He was skating in moccasins. Then I saw a photo of him with his granny bike lol What an eccentric dude!

  10. I know a lot of Videos used the "Video days" recipe But none more than "fulfill The Dream", I feel. From the way they built the team, to the little things... The Gonz double kinked rail, even a clip from Willy Wonka.

    I was a Shorty's fan, I'm from that generation and this was a good read! Thanks for regally posting and updating this site And the Jahmal William interview was awesome, being from Boston I love reading about our Pros.

  11. I'll always think of unbuttoned driver caps and knarly rails when I think of Muska. I had no idea he was on TMZ until now, either. The fact TMZ cares about what happens to a pro skateboarder is very surreal to me. Was 1992 a century, or 20 years ago?

  12. Muska is one of the raddest guys you will ever meet!

    His Maple video part is so amazing, he kickflips and backside flips the "Dushon's" bump/sidewalk like it wasn't shit and that thing has got to be 10'+! Its still in video's to this day, but there is railing all the way around it.

    If you an older Vegas head you probably remember Circus Banks and in Muska's first Transworld interview they ran the photo of him backside flipping it reversed, so it looks like he did it switch.

    He used to be 1st try on every trick! Roll up to it once and then do it!

  13. i love that section in the transworld "anthology" video where ty explains the day muska got like 20 tricks haha
