
chrome ball incident #687: double trouble

Figured I'd start this off with two of my all-time faves since they've become such a frequent topic of conversation for me as of late: Ocean Howell and Mark Wyndham.

These kids used to drop science on my whole shit back in the day.

...a finding that can be directly correlated to more than a few questionable headgear purchases made around this time.

Regardless, Ocean definitely deserves more credit for that three flip of his. Goddamn.


  1. YESSSSSSS, Ocean's footage in that Ipath promo were beyond sick.

  2. Seem to remember Ocean Howell having a nice line in Transworld's "Uno" (which is, in fact, the 2nd transworld video. The first was "the dreams of children).

    PS Maloof Money Cup was this wknd i DC. Yours truly skipped it. I coulda had a press pass to that joint. I also managed to miss 3 nights of after parties at my usual scuzzed out watering hole. Why? Cuz my dude came through w/some jazz cigarettes and we were kicking it with Brazilian girls. 16 year old me would hate 29 year old me. Or would he?

  3. Fuck yeah Ocean Howell! He came up in the wrong era of skating though, small wheels and baggy pants. Although I loved that era in skating, it was probably the worst. God knows I wore some baggy ass pants and rode some small ass wheels.

  4. I never noticed Ocean Howell stuck his tongue out so much while doing tricks. And so many shots wearing Chukka Vans. Nice. Super good style. I didn't see as much Markus footage back then. Just the H-St and speed wheels stuff and that one PE part.

  5. Wyndham was so slept on. I liked PE but he and Carney should have joined a more legit company. Like Peterka, we never got enough footy of the guy...

  6. One of the few that really had style back in the days and how sick is this wall ride?


  7. another amazing post. so fitting to combine this into one. these guys brought so much creativity to skateboarding during this time and deserve the recognition. still one of my all time favorite 3 flips.
    frame 2 over the handrail. so stylish and so distinct.

  8. Ocean Howell is definately one of the best from his era. It's funny because these days the "big pants small wheels" generation is mostly associated with ugly skating and some whack maneuvers, but Ocean had that truly natural and archetypal street style going on. Much like Carroll or Lotti, and it a shame for the fans that he didn't have a longer career.

  9. I was blown away when I saw the Next part for the first time from your post the other day.. all I kept thinking was "Yeah, Ocean"..

  10. Thanks guys.

    Some poser, totally agree. You know that kid can still rip it right this second if need be.

    K, I was wondering if you'd check that out. I was supposed to go as well but couldn't make it monetarily. Definitely bummed about it but sounds like you had a good time anyway, homie.

    Agreed Bugs, always wish Mark and Ocean would've gotten on a Rocco affiliate.

    Thanks June! Thanks everyone.

  11. YES! his H-Street Next part is one of my faves.

    on a sidenote, was that Mike Youseffpour handrail sequence a pisstake?

  12. Ocean is the man!!! Best flick before it was even called like that!!!
