
chrome ball incident #684: weight of the world

"I gotta tell you, Chris Senn is a true skateboard warrior. He burns out skateparks like they were villages. He won't stop - no, he can't stop skating like that until he can't walk anymore. More fire!" -Cards


  1. I know it's been said before, but that kickflip over the red bump in joab is the best.

  2. p.s. "weight of the world"

  3. whoops! good lookin' out, man. thanks.

  4. When I was 15 or 16 I ventured to the SF X-Games. During the practice runs I incessantly asked for autographs from all the riders. I imagine it was pretty annoying, but I didn't know any better. Most of the sisters were cool and either signed one or said later. Chris Senn chose the third route and flipped me off.

    Naturally, i thought he was a dick. Years later, I laugh about it. Dude kills though.

  5. Chris Senn is one of the few untouchable pros (another one i Ray Barbee). As usually it's not what you do it's how you do it. Maybe not the most difficult tricks but it flows with style and confidence. Chris knows this and he is super solid, a real pro.

    Jason Lee defines style at Already Been Done:
    "I’d say that style comes from not trying so hard. It’s following your own path with pride and confidence."

  6. that hurricachrome photo is so tough. And the first one of course.

  7. Kind of a poopy style but, the way this guy tore up the mid to late 90s street contests. Dude skated soooooo fast! he was on toy machine too, right?

  8. "Poopy style"? You've got to be kidding.

  9. SO.......uhhhh.....I'm kinda surprised there's no Adrenaline CBI post. Great team, great decks, took '95-'97 by storm!

  10. i belong to the earlier generation.
    "this is skateboarding" was one of the first vids i owned when i started around 03, and i clearly remember being the only dude of my homies to be fucking stoked on chris senn's part.
    nobody understood me and i didnt understood them.

    now im the only guy skating, none of those homies skate anymore.

    i guess that says a lot about appreciating genuine style.

    -fresh from mex

  11. Was never a fan of his skating nor his style. I appreciate his gnarliness and speed though.

  12. I do believe Chops just had his own interview quoted back to him. LOL

  13. That first picture is rad. This is another one of those dudes that was ahead of his time. The first thing I can recall seeing of him that left a lasting impression, was from a 411 intro in which he did an ollie out to 5-0 (50-50?) on the 2nd rail of a double set. That was almost 20 years ago and it’s still gnarly to this day. I thought Adrenaline was brilliant; they had an amazing team and great direction. I’m stoked on Blood Wizard. A lot of the same guys are involved.

  14. thanks guys. I know Senn kinda splits people down the middle. I must admit that I wasn't a huge fan of him back in the early Powell days but I really think that he came into his own.

    Rabid dog, for sure.

    Love the story, Dave.

    And yes, an Adrenaline post would be much deserved... however, the fact that I don't have a Jaya post up here is really proof that I'm blowing it.

    thanks guys.

  15. There is a photo, I think in Transworld, of Senn b/s tailsliding UP the brick escalator at FDR, that pretty much did it for me. ATV killer. If anyone can find that photo, does not show up on the interwebs, it wold be much appreciated.
    Thanks Chops


  16. The hill bomb in "Jump Off A Building" really says it all...there's no debating how good Senn is.

  17. I like the fact that he's got a sketchy style. Guys who make things look smooth have their place and all, but Senn's barging just paints the best picture I can have of skateboarding, it's like he never tried to film a trick twice.

  18. Saw him skate at some of European comps in the 90's - he was incredible during those times, no doubt. Fast and aggressive, the pics don't really do him justice, you had to see him skate in real life...
