
chrome ball incident #669: bakin' soda

Kinda hard to say that dude doesn't get his proper due when he's on some of the best teams in skateboarding...

but it sure does seem that way to me.

Long-time Florida ripper, Jeff Lenoce. Much bounce.

And to be honest, I completely forgot about this part. So sick.

...can't wait for Static 4.

Big up to my man Ray and the Mighty Healthy.


  1. Lenoce proves that being a nice guy with talent is not enough in todays media climate. You gotta have character and/or dress super stylish to come through.

  2. I think you mean 'you have to BE a character'. Hahaha

  3. what about this part?
    I remember the first time I saw it I couldn't belive that style...

  4. He's almost getting to the twilight of his coverage it seems like. But instead of pivot fakies all we want to see are a few of those crisp nollies and switch heels.

  5. I never thought he really fit on Lakai or Baker.

    He does some really good shit but I just don't find it memorable. Too white bread/soda cracker plain perhaps.

    Killer nollie and fs flip though. What's with the Florida guys and sick fs flips??

  6. Good to see Lenoce get some props on Chrome Ball. I kind of agree about him not getting much coverage these days, although he did have a baker ad recently with a sick nollie heel in in.
